Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 22 ms 20 ms 20 ms [] 3 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms [] 4 35 ms 31 ms 31 ms [] 5 31 ms 31 ms…
This lag has been going on for me now for a solid 24 hours. The server ping spikes are all over the place. from 200 to 50,000. Server not responding, disconnects, rubber banding. I thought it was my connection as well, so i tried 3 others....same issue. Just purchased the lifetime sub... probably should have stayed free to…
This lag has been going on for me now for a solid 24 hours. The server ping spikes are all over the place. from 200 to 50,000. Server not responding, disconnects, rubber banding. I thought it was my connection as well, so i tried 3 others....same issue. Just purchased the lifetime sub... probably should have stayed free to…
My captain is now dead. He has aspirated on the large quantity of mail stuck in his inbox. Perhaps this reboot will help my other toons survive the great mail apocalypse.
spend the 300 zen to remove the EC cap. don't be cheap and or qq when you go over the 10mil free to play cap. it takes all of 5 days to get enough dil to exchange for enough zen, or , god forbid, you spend 3 bucks on the game.