Well this post got out of hand i was hoping people would argue that the developers just create ships and not update the races. but instead turned into a flame post about the show. I thought people would be more accepting to a Gorn change instead of those klingons we got that no one asked for.
Nacelles have always been a vulnerability remember in tng when that ship came out of that time rift and hit the enterprises nacelle effectively destroying the whole ship. The way i see it nacelles are tied directly to the warp core so if you had them separated until need be then it would be safer. why the thread got…
I have been wanting playable voth since they put them into the game years ago. but no it was more important to make gorn that look like godzilla for some reason. Also I dont know if they can change the model of the player character much like giving them 3 fingered characters. They already cant do digitgrade feet right on…
Tommy Lister had other appearances in Star Trek episodes, including the Klingon who towered over Worf in a TNG episode. :smile: [/quote] Ummm he only appeared in the 1st episode of enterprise. The tall Klingon your thinking of is played by James Worthy a hall of fame basketball player.
Im just trying to give an option for the dominion to chose something besides Jem'hadar and Jem'hadar I could care less if vorta are there or not. you can make them in the alien generator for the other factions. With Odo in charge I think some things would change like more free thinking Jem'hadar like some spec ops clones…
So i have been thinking about this and i figured out a way to make the Dominion faction have more races and basically that means having genetically modified jem'hadar... You might be wondering what the hell that means. Well lets say that the founders wanted to make more advanced warriors. They would use the DNA of other…
I think if they can change the Gorn (which nobody asked for) they can change the ferengi. I am worried about the cardassians though thier facial,spoon and hair options are not that good to me.
I second the motion! I dont understand why they wont put them in its something that people would pay for and i believe they are more popular than any ship out there. I personally have found the character to be more important than the ship.
Unless I can play as one I could care less. Im still pissed we cant play as a voth. It just doesnt make sense to me to have all these ships and technology of these races but not be able to play as them.
https://www.arcgames.com/en/splash/ads/star-trek-online-b/?hoff_transaction_id=1023673a9f9bd0c54a5affad9a22ac&hoff_vendor_id=1368&hoff_offer_id=82 You know nothing Jon Snow.