I was the curious player. Not enough patrols and REALLY repetitive once you run through enough of them. as for ships I'm STILL hoping for a simple ISS prefix for a lot of the ships that don't have them but DO have a t5 mirror variant (like the Hestia for example).
I think the want here is kind of veiled in the OP's posting. I COULD be wrong here but this is MY want overall. I'll start by saying I was a BSGO player and that game had hands down the best PvP model I've seen to date. Nothing overpowered, no super-DPS ships, it was a knock do what would make it really difficult is the…
the issue (for those of you not really understanding) is literally that the prices on the exchange means players trying to sell on the exchange are LOSING money. as for the idiot who said I fail economics, I understand it perfectly. which is why I called what I was talking about 'price fixing'
I think the OP got it right, but that's just me. I rather hate the focus put on athletics in real life and think overpaid athletes are a waste of air. reduce them to a working wage and show them their opinions don't matter. and don't try to foist a baseball uniform on my glorious Romulan military attire
this is where I'm at. t5 mirror patrol escort was the Prometheus. so t6 mirror patrol escort would be the Hestia. it makes for an interesting change of play style.
if that's all they have done then this will be a disappointing redo. They need to redo the complete story for LoR. As is it's literally "The Ballad of Tovan and Rhinna Khev" with nothing overall about my captain. Fed story arc its about my charater, not my first officer. Id love to see The Ballad of Tovan and Rhinna Khev…
I pounded for this 3 threads ago. Seems we'd have a better chance of whole ships. Terran ships as a whole would have a better combat focus than their prime counterparts (save for escorts because u can't make them MORE combat ready than a tactical based ship), just because of the Terran Empire's focus on conquest. Science…
romulan story arc update? maybe we can finally axe tovan khev. Ive tried demoting him off my bridge but he's always there. ALWAYS there. ive got an airlock for officers who sit in spots above their station. and maybe the arc will focus more on our captain and his journey not "The ballad of Tovan and Rhinna Khev"
back in the day the mirror ships weren't that bad. granted they weren't as strong as a full on fleet t-5 but they were competitive. now, if you want to run, lets say a mirror Prometheus (mirror patrol escort), then you are down a full 20k hull points, a console slot, possibly a weapon slot, and specialty BOFF slot.
Lockbox ships typically stay around the 250-300 mil mark on the Exchange. that's the rule. you simply said "lockbox ships". the old mirror ships were still "lockbox ships" but not anywhere near that mark. in the context of the initial statement then my point is valid.
(Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR) mirror paints/prefixes/etc. would be nice, and in my thinking easier to do. BUT someone said in a previous thread that developers have said this would be a ship-to-ship change and that's at this current point a LOT of ships and cryptic would probably have to hire a few temps just to…
my post is there so apparently it flew past the mod. either way-no mirror ship has been on the C-store. correct. they came out of lockboxes. on the exchange. for a like next to nothing price. as for the "current spike in dilithium exchange prices" I guess "current" to you is a period of several months. its been in the…
it doesn't seem "Random" when you get 4 crummy ground tasks. I HATE ground and always have. its why my ground builds are mediocre, save for my main, but my space builds are all decent.
ugh. how do I do this without simply insulting you: oh read the original post. Galaxy and Prometheus in mirror form for a t5-u or t6 do not exist. second off exchange rates are beyond obscene. we are going back to "easily acquired by the average player". dilithium exchange rates are going up again. on top of that I'd…
actually the main reason for the post but it seems getting mirror prefixes for existing ships is a more difficult fight than originally thought. find the ships that there's a demand for and maybe we can get those variants back in updated form.
there's still only a REMOTE chance of the current ship. i said nothing about real money being spent only the chances of it. I got my Valkis without spending a cent. still yet, its not "easily acquired". The post posed a question and set a couple of parameters based on past experiences with the game as compared to the…