So, PWE stole my name, Stole my individualality, and then has the brazen atitude to tell me this is for the good... Bloody insulting on so many levels its not funny and BTW i took pride that my old avatar and Signature was my work with a camera, no editing required, now i see the signature and wonder what three year old…
Just Tell me when i can get my Handle, back, ive been known as shadowdarter in many games over ten, years. Of all the things you could have done, stealing my name from under my feet is a very low blow.
Dont feel sorry for him he gets paid for doing his job, feel sorry for all the customers that have been with cryptic-forums that have been steamrolled into a forums system that was done half heartedly.
Can i please get my Name back, im @ShadowDarter not shadowdarter1. This is just wrong, that you steam rolled me in this way. i have to loose my name because you want to make things easier, or have a linking forums name to my in game handle. :mad::mad::mad::mad: