I love how the animators idea of "sexy" pose is a disjointed broken spine shifting turned foot looking thing. It's not sexy, it is laughable. They body parts don't align at all and the weird random shifting of weight makes me holler every time I see it happen. The other night I was watching the movies The Elephant man and…
No. I mean the points we got from old events. There was no way for many of us to earn a full 3000 points from the relaunch of Arena of Sompek under the old event system. our remaining points still show up under the events category in the reputation system at the bottom of the screen.
There were always defined roles in the ships. It even stats so in the character selection, ship information when buying a ship and general FAQ for the game. The lines have become too blurred between the ship classes, otherwise there wouldn't be ship classes and we would all have T6 Science Cruisers right out of the…
Cruisers are meant to be the Tanks, Science and carriers the control and support, Escorts the damage and the Dreadnoughts the Big baddies. When out class one with all the others you remove its purpose and need is all I'm saying. It feels to me like the development team has completely jumped the shark and blurred the lines…
I guess that's my point they don't feel like they have their place any longer. They are out lived and out damaged by the larger ships. Try one for a week and you will see what I mean. There are so few because their place is now absorbed by ships that aren't supposed to do their jobs taking it over. IMHO