My guess is it is a mission reward in the same way that the Obelisk carrier was during season 8 and will go to being a lobi ship thereafter. Will just have to wait and see I suppose.
Not offering the choice to swap for existing ships is pretty poor form in my opinion. I'm happy with my intel Sheshar but I got mine from the exchange and didn't plough a load of real money into shaking it loose from a gambling box. Those that did spend real money are going to feel like they are getting a raw deal here.
I'm not saying it's the only method, just the one I've used to great effect. I bought a pair of Wells class ships for less than 2mil using this method.
Except that the dev blog made it clear that the delta operations pack was the raffle prize not the codes. If you had got there and the eggs were unlimited but they only had enough bacon and juice for 14% of the expected attendance I'm sure you would have been a bit miffed too.
I got neither. Very dissapointed with that part though I am happy that I got the RMC they asked for over 3000 people to be in attendance they should have had enough codes ready to go around. TRIBBLE poor planning on Cryptics part.
This is so very bad. They are trying to force us to use crafting mats to compensate for the lost levelling ability or to insta complete with dil. Since I'm not willing to use rare and very rare mats on vendor trash and I don't have anywhere near enough dil (and I suspect I'm not alone in this situation) it will take me…
Great so as I'm in the UK I have no chance of getting this unique doff and the same goes for anyone else who isn't in the US. Could at least make it available so the rest of us in the world can have her for watching the live stream or something.
I'm really leaning towards the tal shiar adapted battlecruiser now as it has the same shield modifier and a better hull than the galor in exchange for a slower turn rate. I'd also be gaining a cloaking device, the universal commander station and the sensor analysis. Seems win/win for my play style so far. I already have…
I have to say I'm not specifically looking for a carrier I just like its survivability. I was also eyeing up the tal shiar adapted battle cruiser. Obviously I will be waiting until the new lockbox is out to see what that offers too. I know there is no "best" ship in the game but im keen to hear other peoples viewpoints on…
I like flying ships both for aesthetic appeal as well as practicality. I would never fly the fed or klingon dyson ships or the chimera destroyer as I cant stand the way they look. The monbosh is a rather unique design though but I understand the recluse has a commander universal slot and a huge modifier for shields but as…
I did this mission a few hours ago, only 3 of the 5 ships were actually in the mission so two despawned on me before I reached them. I caught a very brief glimpse of one of the ships despawning (looked like it was being beamed out).