When I saw the title "Bug Hunt", I thought we were going to be asked for some assistance in testing DR on tribble. You know, like feedback. And quality assurance. But nope. It's cryptic afterall.
The point is - people aren't going to draw the distinction of who does swap consoles and who doesn't. If you perform some ability which someone doesn't understand or doesn't want to understand, then they're inclined to call "hax". The fact that there are those out there who, as one sole example, console swap - well it…
I've been playing PvP on and off since around game launch, and the recent prevelance of FBP really only began lately - particularly in response to the "vape" build. So, I wonder, are those that are complaining about FBP the one's who use to go around vaping on a whim ?
The same reasoning could be applied to saying only hitpoint/health heals are intended affected, if that question arose. However, the tooltop doesn't specify those either, it simply says "heals", of which, by any meter of understanding could be either or both shield or health/hitpoint. So perhaps, for clarity in future,…
I've had a read over the tooltip for adrenal hypo. There are words such as "revived" and "defeated" stated there in relation to its abilities. So, it would be natural to assume/believe/understand that the user of adrenal hypo should die/be defeated in order for the ability to function correctly. When a player is…
I am an (one) engineer that used the stasis pistol against you. I do so because you had been using adrenal hypo in previous pug matches. You then mentioned in zone that you had removed the adrenal hypo and, as such, I removed the stasis pistol. However, you advised me to"check" in future if someone was using an ability…
I'd say (although I don't and can't speak directly for @simeion1), but his reference to despicable behavior is probably levied at the same (type) player that is well known for using the latest broken, op or exploitable skill in order to get ahead or keep his fleet "on top" (win at all costs). In that regard, in my opinion,…
"Excitement circulating" - talk about a marketing ploy and completely out of touch. I have seen little to no excitement regarding this, but rather annoyance from the majority of the playerbase both in in-game channels and the forums.
In fairness, if mechanics and items were actually tested correctly, or even to a moderately acceptable standard (by Q & A), if bugged content wasn't rushed out without considering the feedback of players on Tribble ... then you might not have people jumping to conclusions. But as it stands, the problem is at the source,…
I can't believe this thread is still going ... It also amazes me the amout of times it's been said on this thread that "x person" doesn't have time to play anymore due to real life time constraints, yet they can post speedy and copious amounts of responses replying to threads (a.k.a. smack talk) on a forum :confused:
I've never logged off before a death. EVER. Even when there's 4 or 5 members of your fleet in a premade, as usual, attacking me - a solo player, and indeed spawn camping thereafter. The pure definition of pug stomping right there - which has rightly so been singularly attributed to your fleet in terms of ground pvp, and…
I do believe Rose succinctly addressed numerous concerns that players have - whilst he may not speak for the whole ground pvp community, he certainly does express a view similarly held by a vast majority. To that end, to further compound Rose's point, this perhaps explains the existence of the Organized Ground PvP Channel…
I'm someone that's played PvP, both ground and space, for the most part as a solo player. I've been on some great pug teams. I've been on some bad pug teams. I've been on a team that has been utterly slaughtered by a premade. I've also been on a pug team that's beaten premades. It's not the most fun in the world getting…