Yes, this! Sure enough when I checked under that Officer's spot it was just sitting there waiting for me. THANK YOU. Now to just freaking get off my a## and start updating the open source guide material out there... ;)
Even if we can't actively play our own characters on each platform, not allowing the three to all interact on the same basic play server would be a mistake, imo. I personally wouldn't care if I can't transfer my characters, however, building up two isolated communities in addition to the PC doesn't add to the PC crowd, and…
I'll throw in that I'm also returning from a VERY long lapse, and I agree that matchmaking isn't great due to lack of interest it seems. It may be better in some fleets. However, I can say my experience has been that if I want to run with a group I'll need to line up and then go do other things while waiting. Difficulty is…