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  • Of course they share the same cooldown. If you use 4x Quantum torp you won't be able to fire all torps withing one or two seconds. Firing the first means that you have a short cd on the other 3...
  • This Sir looks like the perfect PvE Torp Boat Setup I was looking for. Great!!! Just a little bit more grinding and my B'Rel looks like this! Thank you The only thing I would alter is the BOFF layout. Isn't it nice to have 2x THY to bump up 2 torpedos at once? Furthermore DPIII is just so awesome, you have to use it in a…
  • Hm, anything particular? In fact I'm just doing STF and all that stuff, nothing special. Due to the fact, that this game is no real challenge I'm looking for something special, and this is a full torp boat. Meanwhile, I have the set bonus of the KHG Mk XI, so I am nearly ready, the only thing missing is the Hyper-Plasma…
  • friendly bump... so really no one who uses this thing in PvE? C'mon Klingons!
  • So, this is all?
  • I really would like to see cmdrskyfallers opinion on this :)
  • No transphasic for me. I do not see any advantage of a single transph. boat. But thanks for the effort.
  • Dear Cmdrskyfaller, regarding to LoR and the several new patches I would like to start over with my B'Rel again. Does anything changed in your past weapon and BOFF layout or are you stil using the same layout for PvE? Mine looks like this so far (only pve) Fore: Plasma (I'm still waiting for the rep to get hyper plasma)…
  • THIS is the god damn best advice on a torp boat ever. I just changed my setup to your advice and DAMNIT....this rocks!
  • If you wanna know what to do with your torp boat just listen to "cmdrskyfaller". No one can handle a torp boat like him!
  • Ok, I will try this setup. Only one HE for heal, but as I am always cloaked it should be fair enough....hopefully. What torps. would you suggest for someone who has Roms and Omega at Tier 1? And what about the skills? I would drop every "energy weapons" as well as "shield" skill with this B'Rel. Is this wise?
  • That's what I thought. The setup looks good. And consider the 3 dual beam banks, the Hargh'Peng and the autocannon under 3 attack patterns firing on a cube with EPtW on....that should hurt!
  • Ok guys, I think I'll try it with this setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL7m-UUiCqw&list=UUx_lDoAL7bHhLrwsvxNxp7A&index=6 looks quite strong to me.
  • Interesting...for an engi. Any other opinions on my build and the tact. variant?
  • I know that flying a Bortasqu' is...let's say slightly different than any other ship, that's absolutely clear. My goal is to master the Bortasqu', therefore I would appreciate some senior opinions from other users who already use this flying cathedral.
  • Unfortunately it is not "my imagination". Breen Cluster does not share the same cooldown with quantum, sorry for that. So, when I upgrade my torps via BOFF skills I do have to make a choice between Plasma and Quantum, I can't use them both. If I choose Plasma I can only fire the "normal" unbuffed quantum torp and vice a…
  • Just one last word to the load out. What I actually use is this: Quantum MkXII Breen Transp. Cluster Bio-neural Hargh I just tried the following: Quantum MkXII Plasma MkXII Bio Neural Hargh and it just felt that I made less damage with the second, the plasma loadout. On top the plasma loadout has two torps with similar…
  • Your BOFF setup looks good. I think about using only one tac. BOFF, too. The only thing I would change is PH1 to JS1 as this is a good possibility to get off with tractors.
  • Interesting setup. Always nice to see what kind of torp setup the others run. Actually I'm in with Quantum MkXII Borg, Rapid Transph., Bio-Neural and Harghpeng for PvE. Any other suggestions? I should add that I have Omega on Tier 2 and Romulan on Tier 1 :(
  • I run a 2 Tricobalt Mine setup. Have to try if this is still viable.
  • what changes?
  • just a short question on TT1. Is it really usefull in a torp. boat? As we do not have so much alternatives, I would go for 2x TT1....
  • And that's my suggestion for the big May update. the Klingon Empire evades the Romulan space and we conquer all remaining stations and planets. The piteous rest of the Romulans will be integrated in the Klingon Empire! The way it has to be, the way it should be!
  • We need breathing room. Now, on to the war!
  • thx for the quick replay. Does anyone has a slghtly more detailed BOFF layout? :)