I will address this to Fleet Leaders in general and not single anyone out: Dear Mr. Fleet Leader, First and foremost, and I know this is going to come as shock to you, but it is not “your” fleet. You are a member of the Fleet temporarily in a senior position. Let me ask you something, when do you intend to step-down as…
I totally agree with the socializing and having fun with a group of players you chosen to game with, but there is a Fleet (an organization) you all are part of, and there is a hierarchy within that fleet, and decisions have to be made about the fleet, to determine what is in it’s best interests.
There are two issues here that intersect with one another. Starbase Control and Fleet Leadership. They are intertwined. Here is an outline of what I propose a Starbase/Fleet Leadership should be. Not perfect, but it gets us moving in the right direction. * Cryptic assumes control (ownership) of all Starbases. Controls are…
Certainly, allowances must be made for a player’s lack of ability and build knowledge. I am sure <20km would be fine for some players. At a higher level of team game play 20km is not practical. Incidentally, the “Coalition Squad Tactics” (Personal Ground Trait) doesn’t cover the whole map. Although not stated in the…
Very confusing indeed. The accolade description states the expected Player Title (e.g."Expects (Sudden) Potential Betrayal"). Upon achieving the accolade the Device in the Lobi Store to claim the title states another, different Player Title (e.g. "Warped Reflection"). Then the Player Title that is actually awarded to the…
[Deleted Duplicate Post] Just cleaning up this post. This appears to be some kind of Forum Bug. For some reason a post I made 2 weeks ago replicated and posted itself several times over yesterday (01-18-2018), without user input and without me being logged on.
[Deleted Duplicate Post] Just cleaning up this post. This appears to be some kind of Forum Bug. For some reason a post I made 2 weeks ago replicated and posted itself several times over yesterday (01-18-2018), without user input and without me being logged on.
[Deleted Duplicate Post] Just cleaning up this post. This appears to be some kind of Forum Bug. For some reason a post I made 2 weeks ago replicated and posted itself several times over yesterday (01-18-2018), without user input and without me being logged on.
[Deleted Duplicate Post] Just cleaning up this post. This appears to be some kind of Forum Bug. For some reason a post I made 2 weeks ago replicated and posted itself several times over yesterday (01-18-2018), without user input and without me being logged on.
[Deleted Duplicate Post] Just cleaning up this post. This appears to be some kind of Forum Bug. For some reason a post I made 2 weeks ago replicated and posted itself several times over yesterday (01-18-2018), without user input and without me being logged on.
[Deleted Duplicate Post] Just cleaning up this post. This appears to be some kind of Forum Bug. For some reason a post I made 2 weeks ago replicated and posted itself several times yesterday (01-18-2018), without user input and without me being logged on.
Thank You for addressing this issue. If you chase accolades and player titles this is a big deal. This particular accolade is not easy to achieve. Just to reiterate, this is the issue: The following 8 sub-accolades are shown as Complete but the Story Accolade: The Grand Acquisitor is not unlocked.* Rule of Acquisition…
*** FOR SOME REASON THIS POST KEEPS DISAPPEARING FROM THE FORUM AND REQUIRES ME TO RE-POST IT *** UPDATE: 01/05/2018 Thank you Cryptic for fixing the sub-accolades in the mission Quark’s Lucky Seven. A player is required to complete all 8 sub-accolades to achieve the Story Accolade: The Grand Acquisitor (Unlocks: “A…
UPDATE: 01/05/2018 Thank you Cryptic for fixing the sub-accolades in the mission Quark’s Lucky Seven. A player is required to complete all 8 sub-accolades to achieve the Story Accolade: The Grand Acquisitor (Unlocks: “A Magnificent Friend" player title). I just ran a new character through the mission and experienced no…
UPDATE 01-05-2019 Thank you Cryptic for fixing the sub-accolades in the mission Quark’s Lucky Seven. A player needs to complete all 8 sub-accolades to achieve the Story Accolade The Grand Acquisitor (Unlocks: "A Magnificent Friend" player title). I just ran a new character through the mission and had no problems. I…
Just FYI, it appears that this particular issue is a Global issue, not just restricted to my Character/Account. There are 8 sub-accolades; Rules 7, 9, 34, 48, 74, 125, 194 and 239. But only 5 of the 8 (Rules 9, 48, 74,194 and 239) appear under the Accolade Tab (In Progress) and have been made active on PC-Holodeck. Rules…
I would like to see some new Dance Emotes. Perhaps through the Teaming mechanism two players could Team and do a couples dance together. Here are my suggestions for new Dance Emotes: Twerking Daggering The Charleston Moshing Waltz
I wouldn't mind seeing an Alien type of Shark cruising the waters capable of attacking players if provoked. Just like beasts on other maps (e.g. Romulus). Just something to make the game a little more fun and interesting.
It wouldn’t surprise me if my friend was the one who helped you. I know this person was one of the top contributors toward the Fleet Star Base and that he has helped many of his fleet mates and fellow players acquire game currency and game assets they probably would have never have been able to get by themselves. My friend…
I used to be able to copy (cut&paste) from the in-game mail I recieved. Now if a fleetie sends me a link via mail I have to write it out by hand. Is there a setting I can change to get my mail back to the way it was (the ability to copy, cut & paste). :confused: