Dunno, but right beside all the other items on sale, those STO packs look like an especially bad deal - buy a tripe A game or a starter pack for sto to grind the same content over and over again with a new but outdated ship model and texture?
Due all the changes done with and after DR, especially the new leveling, I don't feel like spending anything. Heck, it's not even just me not wanting to spend anything - with most of my chars, including fed sci, on hiatus, there is simply no reason left for me to e.g. get the new pathfinder.
I guess the main issue are the myths people came up with over the years. Removing the ability to recolor weapons was done for consistency and to avoid confusion about wrongly colored weapons, not because CBS said so.
Sigh, not sure if I even want to see this years wonderland now. Not because you cut this idea, but because you guys brainstormed and partially implemented something like this. Don't we already have enough grinds as now without special events dropping the recipe to participate in another R&D/upgrade gamble as "reward"?
I guess this skill point update is really confusing after all, since the patch notes totally lack the part about how also level requirements are supposed to go up too. Surly just an accident. :rolleyes: And on top of that the change goes straight to holodeck, why bother to test something like this on the test server? Time…
It's kinda funny, or maybe sad. So many people angry about slow progression past 50, and Cryptics only reaction is to shuffle around numbers - to test if they're not only angry, but also stupid. That's the spirit!
How nice of you to add a T6 Intrepid just after offering the generous chance to upgrade the old T5 to T5U. Can't wait to get the inevitable fleet upgrade for that new T6 soon as well! ... oh wait, to bad my sci char is on indefinite hiatus due to the new leveling experience since DR. So no money for you, Cryptic.
Well, can't comment on new accounts without lvl 50+ chars, was thinking about alts when responding. And as far as alts go, the first thing after skipping the tutorial on my talaxian was actually claiming account unlocks from the cstore, including the intel boffs and the doffs.
I'd say any specpoint gained post 60 should be account wide. That way cryptic can still impose their stretched lvl experience, while also making alts -which are likely the best way to increase the income per account for you, cryptic- a viable choice to play.
It would. My Xindi Boff lost body parts when traded and trained just like the embassy romulans, however unlike them, he is customizable, and the bug fixed itself the moment I opened his costume at the tailor.
Without DR my exel would once again have been the ship of choice for the mirror event, however I don't feel like upgrading ship and layout just for the event.
Stronger carrier pets might make you level faster. Being stuck in SFA will make you level slower. Thus the former is clearly an exploit to be squashed as fast as possible, while the latter is just a tiny inconvenience. Just entertain yourself with browsing the cstore or opening lockboxes while you're stuck and some day…
You should have known the xp was to good to be real, hopefully cryptic stands true to their course and remove all excess xp anyone has previously accumulated! /sarcasm
I lost points and the closest thing to "exploiting" was playing Argala patrol on elite. However comparing the normal and elite variant, it was (until yesterdays patch) 5x the xp reward vs 6x the HP to chew through. That's -at least for me- nothing too good to be something the dev team intended to happen Did write a CS…
To bad we can't simply post CS conversations, but what it boils down to: -Devs realized their xp multipliers for higher difficulties were wrong, not just Tau Dewa stuff, but any (fixed with the latest patch, when the elite multiplier went down form x5 to x2) -Beside fixing this, they went ahead and recalculated any prior…
My main also lost all additional spec points beyond the initial 10 (which are also no longer allocated but shown as available spec points). Skills are not invalid (however I used the free "invalid" respec given out few days ago when cryptic first tried to fix the crafting traits).
Same issue, my main has lost all spec points beyond the first 10. Another char (just 60 without any further points ) still has all 10 as previously allocated. And no tau dewa patrol done since... months?
For now I plan to stay with free T5U ships, maybe if I really miss a ship, I might upgrade that to T5U, but overall I currently don't feel like supporting cryptic/DR much.
New dil sinks are known, partially live, and surely priced into the current exchange ratio. Zen costs on the other hand are currently just a vague estimation and likely going to be another bad surprise. I'd say going for Zen might be safer than staying with dil.
If you combine the 13+14 upgrade costs, the price of upgraded gear is much higher than what (hypothetical) mk XIV rep/fleet store gear would have been. And beside dil costs, you'll also have to get upgrades and accelerators, click a few thousand times, and have to sit (or pay) off a timegate. And that's just the cheap…
Sure, Cryptic, the company where even the most basic changes take forever, changed the code just on the fly. :rolleyes: Sad to see the RMC once again didn't find its way to all players, has been exclusive for way to long.
I'd say it goes down into the 170 range, then people realize how expensive upgrades are and decide not to push it (yet) or feel the need to bolster it with cstore packs. If not, the (un)availability of purple mats for superior upgrades will kick in... overall I don't think the ratio will go down to far, and in time start…