No - I do not think "provide your contact info and answer these 20 questions for 200 Zen" (about a $2.00 value) is "too good to be true." It sounds reasonable - Provided that said zen is paid at 20 questions - and the "host" does not ask you 19 questions and "disqualify" you on THAT question. THAT is a "TRIBBLE-job." A…
Don't be absurd. You do not understand me correctly, at all. I was going to earn - AND buy some zen - Then make a big purchase. :) now - I shall do none of the EVER again. THAT is what I am saying. Because - I'm fine with answering 2 questions and giving no private information - and then being told I…
Well, today it bit the parent company in the tushie. I'll be ordering a pizza, instead of a starship. ETHICS, people. They go further than you'd think.
and I often do not have this problem - But it seems "on purpose" now. And not fair/cool. I play often and buy stuff from the c-store. The "earn zen" should not scam me. My email address phone number and income information are of value - If I furnish them for payment - I should get paid - or that survey should end in TWO…
Well -If that's the case - Then there is some type of discrimination happening. Tell me - Is this company located in the US? Because that's illegal. You cannot disqualify me from anything based on age,race, sex, or religion. i answered the questions and spent the time - Any other "fine print" that disqualifies me AFTER I…