I would like you to be more specific about your concerns: assuming that the developers are genuinely interested in our opinions and preferences, how can a non-binding question (!) "What would you prefer, sausage or cheese?" conflict with the terms and conditions or increase product consumption? I don't know how they could…
I'm already angry because they let us fall into the trap just before the VFX-update, when the pulse phasers were thrown at us without warning in the last campaign and many people used their upgrade tokens on them! With this practice, you can no longer be sure that this won't be done to other things in the future... I'll…
Thanks for the encouragement! So, can we hope that they will never do this? I have a toon in the TWOK style and wanted to get the Kodai Fighters with the 15th bundle to match the old (now only Obliviating VFX)... and now I'm worried that their VFX has been or will be adjusted to the new Pulse Phaser VFX. Does anyone know…
No, please don't! Many people, like me, who bought the pulse phaser because of the 80s retro look, are screwed with the involuntary update and can at least switch to the obliviating phaser... If you like the design of the updated pulse phasers so much, you can get them. But if it were to be adjusted as you wish, then no…
Furthermore, the view of the earth from inside the ESD has not been adjusted to match the view from outside. The current view still corresponds to the reddish-brown that the earth initially had on the test server... And this is what it should look like, right (?):
No, no, it's not your computer, it's the official update! So we need to put on our sunglasses and think back to the old days, because unless enough discontent is expressed - which I fear will be - it will stay like this for 10 years or even until the end of STO...
Yes, I have to repeat myself: the LIGHTING CONDITIONS are TOO BRIGHT, especially INTERIOR - the Christmas tree atmosphere is replaced by that of a dentist's chair!!!
Yes, the interior lighting is a bit too bright, isn't it? The brightness reduces the power of the colors, which is not good for the impression of authenticity of structured surfaces. The effect of luminous structures (displays) is thereby reduced and the loss of the warmer colors means a loss of pleasant/cozy atmosphere.…
Well, I’m afraid they have no interest in making any improvements. I mean, just look at the comments here—our observations seem to be met with complete incomprehension. I find it very sad that most people put so little value on details and atmosphere, especially since it is the central hub of the game...
I think these major things will definitely be corrected before the new ESD goes live! But as far as the proportions on the outside are concerned, the designer has written, as you can read on bluesky, that he does not want to make any further changes due to a lack of time and desire (!). Doesn't sound particularly…
Gladly: The proportionality and the details of an artificial object play a central role in how we perceive and experience it aesthetically. This has both psychological as well as historical and cultural roots. The Golden Ratio, as an example of harmonious proportionality, is often perceived as particularly pleasing because…
I think your remarks about aesthetic continuity are excellent! For me, as a long-time fan, it’s also incomprehensible why such an iconic and perfect design like Carson's ESD should be replaced, rather than being kept as a respectful link to the origins of Star Trek at the core of STO. There are plenty of opportunities for…
I think I found the original draft on the Internet and would therefore like to ask naively: Who can explain what went wrong from the grandiose and coherent basic draft (below) to the final result (above)? See: https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5JeioJJyX/?img_index=1
I admit that duncanidaho11 has written a long text. But it is not so long or complex that my answer could be misunderstood: my answer is an indirect quote of his admission that the matter were trivial, which is why I also wrote "seemingly"...
Yes, but New Romulus and Dyson also seem a bit cumbersome to me, similar to the Dranuur path... especially for ascending characters who haven't played the Romulus or Dyson arc yet...
Nobody is saying that they have to be removed, but it is visually disturbing when it no longer serves a function. The delta transponder could optionally be made deletable, then each player could decide for themselves...
Well, sounds absolutely great! Definitely a great anniversary gift for TOS fans, as you can now equip as many TOS characters as you want on one account with a powerful TOS-style Dreads and without having to spend ages farming ECs and waiting for a catch in exchange. In addition, the universal-console's synergy mechanisms…
To understand, because I'm a fool: If I purchase the Mudd's Choice Pack of Dread once, which allows me to choose three ships, can those be ALL 23rd Dreads (or all 26th Dreads)? Or, as I suspect: ONLY ONE of the 23rd Dread (or only one of the 26th Dread) and two other ships...?!