I found the issue... The 'Resolution Scale' slider was at the minimum. I set this to the maximum and changed some of the filters options and have sharp, in focus characters now.
I take him on away missions. I go back behind cover with my other BOFFs, and set a rally point for just him right in the middle of mobs. He hasn't survived an away mission with me yet, usually ends up being dead all the way to the end. Wish my Warbird had just left him there, even.
The peregrines that come with HEC and the peregrines from the EC store on sol station are identical, except the text is not updated on the EC requisition hangar, and it is on the HEC included hangar. They are literelly identical other than that. The EC requisition blue level hangar works to contribute, the one included…
Okay, thank you! I was extremely confused because the mouseover says 'blue rare'. I can complete this now, my blood pressure has dropped measurably, and my headache is gone haha