Well, this puts a damper on my plans to buy a 3-month sub when ViL launches. But for the real point of this post, are there any plans to unlock XMPP access or will that only be a LTS perk from now on?
I know I'm a bit late to this discussion but I had a bit more luck running my Connie as a torp boat than a beam boat in my 23c char attempts. 2 (Kelvin on the 2nd run) Photons on the front, a mine on the back (a Dis/Pol/Tet turret with Rapid may work too; you just want the proc), THY1, TaB1, EPtS1 or ET1, a Resilient…
If you're L40, you can use your T6 event ships already. T5 Events and Mirror Feds won't open, but the T5 Delta rares from the lockboxes will. Some of the T5 VR Lockbox ships won't open but some will and I surmise all of the T6s will. A lot of outfits don't open and many of those that do, you won't be able to select them in…
Correct, you cannot do Borg and Tholian RAs. You can do Na'khul RAs, you just have to actually find them. Technically yes, although it is limited to event and non-faction lockbox/lobi/promo ships. The Pioneer/Class F/Connie/TRIBBLE. Cruiser are unusable even though you get the cards.
Yes, just use the TW icon like with Core. And since a pure 23c char seems to work very much like a pure Rom, you'd most likely also be able to play almost everything in Sphere and Delta as well.
You can actually return to the 25c earlier than that. The revamped Cardie missions also allow you to go back. Tried, got to 43, advanced Caleb a bit too far trying to grind mastery on my Rezreth, force quit, remained "stranded" in the 23c as a now 25c char. I can't even replay the first arc without going to the 25c now.…
I don't know many games that actually do tell you outright what anything does behind the scenes. The new tooltips are better in the fact that they actually tell you what percentage boost you will receive, unlike currently in Holo where one has to go way out of the way to find out from a third party the real effect of…
I think the BOff power unlocks would be a bit more palatable if a lot of them weren't wasted on skills you can't help but trip over on the exchange, especially when there are powers that either don't exist (A2B3), may as well not exist (PO3), or won't exist (HY3) that aren't on the unlock table.
I don't know if the mission Space Chase is actually considered part of the tutorial (it is listed in the Episodes list, albeit unrepeatable, and isn't prefaced with [Tutorial]) but in the tutorial proper, they had the normal HP. It was only after the CBC kill the first time that the 23k FFs started spawning. I've only…
Sure. There's also a weak version. But those aren't the real problem. (Edit: after replaying Space Chase due to not completing it to reconfirm the later numbers, the first FF group also had the inflated 23k HP instead of the normal ~3k it had the first time.) I've noticed that quite a few Fed frigate mobs have really high…
When the game hasn't evolved to take into consideration of the new level structure, that is on the devs. When there are massive exp gaps between missions and a significant number of missions are unnecessarily locked behind L60, that's on the devs. When 5 seconds of space play advances you more than 10 minutes of ground…
Playing around with bonuses just now, I noticed the Borg Transwarp Gateway! event seemed to be rewarding 200 instead of 100, Temporal Vortex! also+ 200 instead of 0, Scavenger Party 20 instead of 0, Wormhole! +100 instead of 0. Also, many missions seem to double count overages and ignore any ship *x bonuses from x stat.…
ISE/ISA is compact and consistent unlike the rest of the queues. There's no need to spread apart (unless you're running a 3/2 split to get it done even faster/not eat each other's DPS), no chaff, the spawns aren't randomized, there are no timegates, no BS mechanics, no lulls in combat, and no enemies you pretty much have…
Cat2s certainly can/do improve resting DPV; it's just that many Cat2s are part of buffs and are therefore not resting. Pirate, Obelisk 2pc, CC 2pc, the other Nukara 2pc, APC-O, and a few more are Cat2 and do increase resting DPV. If you wanted to, you can sit in system space somewhere and see the DPV increase of most of…
Which two? Unless I'm missing some, which I might be, Apex (at least on Tribble), Nukara, and Butterfly are all Cat1. If they were Cat2, they'd increase the resting DPV of my DHCs by closer to 200 than 50 and turrets by closer to 50 than 10.
XMPP access (my biggie, does anyone know if NW's VIP status unlocks it?), automatic dil refining, vet rewards, EC cap raise, free respecs and more of just about every non-DOff slots per char, and just plain support to the game to keep it running, even if you don't agree with the direction it's currently going in. If none…
If you really think letting Cryptic setting up a ship for permanent use is a good idea, replay Temporal Ambassador and A Step Between Stars a few times and/or fly some ship, preferably escort or battlecruiser, right out of the box for a few queues.
As long as the weapons are same rank and rarity and have the same amount of Dmg mods, the rest don't matter for tooltip watching. The beams used were most likely the cheapest (or first crafted) that met those criteria. Although I do wonder why you've listed DPS instead of DPV. Also, 2 of those 5 (Ancient and CC) bonuses…
Even though I'd prefer the rep costume unlock or visualization slot options, what about porting NW's equipment transmutation system like they did with the crafting system? Would that be acceptable to you people to increase the chance of it actually ever happening? Oh, and speaking of NW, when's this (or something…
The OP said they bought the base T6 ship, the one with the trait and lower stats than the Fleet versions. There wasn't anything said about actually buying the Fleet T6 ship, which doesn't come with the trait and is pretty much the same as the FT5U. The advantage of a FT5U you have and have good feelings and memories of…
Maybe the guy hasn't actually bought the FT6 and doesn't think the LtC Eng/Comm is worth it? I know I'd rather fly a FT5U over a plain T6, especially when they're the same ship.
I (try to) use it to check people's builds but it's been (even more) broken since sometime between upgrading and BOff manuals hit. Can't see equipment mods, proper rank, or slotted BOff skills.
The CC 2pc does work, at least for me. If you're trying to use it with just the 2 turrets, then that won't work and if you're just using both consoles, then you won't see as big of a boost over using a normal Tac console and two other pieces (if they fit your build) instead.
Yes, you are missing something. I'm not too sure about the Elachi set bonus but the Rom, JH, and Nukara sets are strength (cat1) increases, so they're of lower magnitude than the Obelisk and CC sets, which are bonus (cat2) increases. Also, the best energy type for you is the one you like.
If you catch the races on rollover (and maybe spend a small amount of lobi), the ship can be gotten in 20 days. The Summer Event is a worse grind because there're no DOff missions for lolnuts, the prices of most everything they buy is too high, and many cannot be used off of Risa. These. These are the big ones that most of…
A new player with no ships would be better off paying the $30 for the T6 rather than the $34/39 for the T5 and 2 SUTs (which only cost $5 if you buy a bundle of 4, base price is $7). And yes, the idea is for people who already have the T5 to simply not get completely screwed in the upgrading process and maybe get the…
You and others say it's the captain and not the gear that determines performance. I agree; give me your builds in their entirety and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do half of what you do and the converse should be true as well. The/my request is just to additionally show how a reasonably (and I mean real reasonably, not…
Quoted for truth. I very much enjoy watching the videos you, Ryan, and any of the rest of the Wizards make/post. Also, to piggyback upon the above request, I'd like to see you Wizards fly the ships with gear taken out of the equation (no Mk14 epics (except maybe fleet consoles and not all that you can stuff in them), no…
Unfortunately, that's an issue of how in-game chars carry bat'leths at the ready. Looks even worse when the char holding it is small. And yes, YAY! for new Klingon mission. It just better be good.