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russellca Arc User



  • Ref. exchange bug. Its not only prices it also doesn't show if its a multi-item bundle. I thought I'd buy what I thought was a single item to see if the exchange was at least still working (plus I needed one more for a doff mission) and then got hit for over a million ec when a x250 item bundle was bought. Hey ho. My fault…
  • As of Season 14 update on 3rd October. Both T6 Nebulas can now load the Galaxy bridge (tested with Fed characters). * FLEET Advanced Research Vessel T6 - Working * Advanced Research Vessel T6 - Working
  • After much fiddling about with ship and dry dock slots I was able to check the following (all tested with Nebula class variant only):- * FLEET Advanced Research Vessel T6 - NOT working (not selectable in ship tailor) * Advanced Research Vessel T6 - NOT Working (not selectable in ship tailor) * FLEET Advanced Research…
  • Ditto for T6 Fleet Nebula. Not even selectable in the ship tailor interface. I did get it working with an older T5 Fleet Advanced Research Vessel that had been upgraded to T5-U, so the entire Nebula line isn't blocked. Vesta and Avenger classes both showed it available for selection (although I didn't load it) so the issue…
  • Happy to help if as a community (Cryptic, OST, wider playerbase) we get better feedback on bug resolution. A few more 'known issue' acknowledgements, even if admitting that the actual priority for fixing is very low, would probably offset a lot of the duplicate reports & complaints in the forums. SIL 2 Software Systems…
  • You can drag from the inventory, including the R&D tab, to the drop strip/container at the top of the exchange sell items page. Strip area is to the immediate right of where any posted item appears for sell confirmation once you've selected it from either a drop-down list (doesn't work for R&D) or after a drag-n-drop.
  • This is the one bit of ambiguity left with an otherwise truely excellent document. One way around squaring the circle, between tailor advice & non-premium content availability, is to consider that due to STO's ludicrous rampant rank inflation, most lvl50 players are in fact 'flag-less' officers. Many militaries even today…
  • Its like they gave the requirements set for the revamp to a combat gameplay-focussed dev and they spent 5 mins before going: "borrrring! I'll just let an algorithm pre-populate everything as no-one wants to play this dumb feature." Clearly if you try and manage assignments manually then all these issues jump out in very…
  • Yep. Nice to see Traits back but Specialisation filtering is next to useless. For those tasks that require a particular specialisation it even goes halfway to being helpful and puts them to the top of the filter list, great if it was click-to-include, rather than click-to-exclude. Nor does it reorder the corresponding list…
  • Affected hardware configurations are listed elsewhere in this parent thread (First page link, mid-thread H/W index only). NB: Due to the rubbish, new ARC-friendly forum template, hyperlinks may be hidden in white text after navigating to a single post/page link. Once you've followed a link, click on the thread title in the…
  • Holy necro-post there tonybudz. As a general rule I really wouldn't go tweaking files on any frequently updated s/w, when using advice that is over three years old (STO file deletion/restore can be pretty benign though). Blurry graphics after a new installation are often a result of the client occasionally setting itself…
  • Kinda curious myself as to what changes if any, have been made on the conclusion of the beta; for the numerous crash reports in the MAC beta sub-foum don't have any resolutions posted. I just posted a separate significant performance bug, experienced following the 11 FEB patch, that I've just got round to completing…
  • The affected hardware lists, (PC, Mixed & Mac) have been reorganised by generation/series. Anyone who has still not posted theirs and sees it missing is encouraged to do so. Just add to this thread. Preferably using the graphics-focused minimum (as seen in the lists - GPU+CPU+O/S) plus whatever details you see fit to…
  • I'd like to add this to the affected hardware lists in the main thread on this topic, but I don't recognise the build. I thought MBPs currently top out at 16GB maximum system RAM and up to -with tweaking!- 2GB integrated graphics VRAM (1.7GB accessible in Windows) or 2GB discrete chipset in dual-configuration options. Any…
  • Logging off and back in again is a long-standing, temporary, workaround for this issue. As you're quitting to character select prior to making the described setting changes and getting to the character selection screen would logically appear to be -almost- a full logoff (in fact the in game prompt is "….log off this…
  • Interesting. A long standing workaround, whilst avoiding a full restart, has been to log off and back in; although that tends to produce diminishing returns in subsequent repeats. I wonder if you could indicate how long you get resumed play, using that method. A 'few more hours' is far better than I'd get (typically…
  • Happy quarter anniversary everyone (13 Nov 2013 - 13 Feb 2014). This thread started the day after the official S8 launch - in other words after just enough time to have realised "What the smeg is going on with the graphics here?" Will it be necro'ed by the next quarter mark; still in play; or even worsening - as appears to…
  • Wouldn't dream of laying this at your door even if you had. The VolComMods do stellar work (ps Bran there's the next T6 KDF shipname for you - just sprinkle in a few apostrophes :)). I hope the mod/dev who did move it, comes back and defends the action, as I'm going to remain in good-natured & respectful disagreement, over…
  • litchy and Ian --> You're both too kind. All I do is hoover up the reports during Thurs downtime. Real credit goes to everyone for battling through and continuing to post findings in a, sometimes frustrated, but generally civil manner. When you consider the scale of this issue (Jan '14 numbers & long since surpassed) that…
  • Having spent a wee bit of time, collating duplicate reports as well as directing affected players to this main thread and generally trying to get: observed effects, evidence, technical specs (as requested by Cryptic) & attempted workaround experiences, in one place; I can attest that the majority of reports, were (and…
  • Thread promote post - as there's been a number of duplicate LCAR related posts recently (both standalone and discussions in other broader issue threads).
  • You might want to post these results in tacofang's new LCARS thread, over in the Graphical & Sound Issues sub forum.
  • You might want to post the LCARS part of these results, in tacofang's new LCARS thread, over in the Graphical & Sound Issues sub forum.
  • Those little Q-lets can be right tricky beggars! Whole sections of this game for me, are now defined by working around this bug :( e.g. Full restart on conclusion of 'Tour the Galaxy' as after all those sector changes there will only be a vr short relief from a logoff; Minimum of a logoff -before- 'Mining Daily' (unless…
  • Yes that's what the screen will look like when logging back in. It doesn't seem to have done anything. However if you continue and play the character, you should find temporary relief from the effects. Documented repeatedly in this thread. Doesn't happen every single time - especially if texture loss was very bad before…
  • It looks like the missing texture and icons bug as does your description of earlier experiences ('missing' here also includes substitution - whiteouts, blackouts, another colour or low res texture). Been around for some since S8 but plenty of new players are reporting incidents since in S8.5. Check out the thread and if…
  • If you haven't ended your session yet (logged off, changed instance or swapped char) and you were using a vendor to sell/empty your inventory, then go back to them and see if the item is still obtainable under the Buy Back tab (next to Buy and Sell when opening dialog with vendor NPC).
  • Speaking of new inductees to the ranks of the afflicted! Can new posters or affected visitors passing by; kindly post their hardware specs. At a minimum: GPU, CPU and O/S edition. (see link below for example, and feel free to supply any more details you see fit) I'll add them to the affected hardware configuration lists,…
  • Most likely. There's been a slew of recent reports since S8.5 launch and as the issue seems to have characteristics of both a download issue (onset can vary by busy or quiet instances) and memory leak (once started, problem tends to get worse & temp log-off provides a decreasing amount of new play before needing a full…