Excellent info. Thank you all. Why do you prefer a beam-boat? Superior firing arcs? I'm pretty much a cannon-nut. Rolling in on a downed shield and making it rain plasma-bolts too much fun.
OK, thank you Jaguarskx, I think I'm gaining a little understanding. I'm leaning towards just getting the Jhu'ael and worrying about the finer points later. It does look to me like what they're trying to do is get me to buy both T5U and the T6 to complete a console set. I guess I have one final question about process. For…
Hi Guys. I have a newb question, and as I cant yet make a new thread I guess I'll piggyback here. I've been playing for a couple of weeks and am enjoying my little tactical Romulan guy. He's mid-40s in a Ha'feh right now, but I have some confusion on how the ships will be working once I hit 50. My favorite ship so far was…