I know it will never happen since they are FASA ships, but I would love to see updated versions of the:Andor, Northampton, Wilkerson, Chandley and Remora classes in the game. I played with those all the time in Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates.
That's what I thought, but the way Cryptic has it worded in the FAQ makes it sound like they were useless after the 30th. I am tired so maybe I misread it, thank you for the info though, much appreciated.
And here I was feeling all special, and you had to go ruin it!:D Just kidding, so what are STFs then? Edit: Nevermind, I looked up STFs but I was wondering are they hard to do?
Yeah I forgot about the misses and the cooldown is longer than I'd like, of course it would be way too powerful if rearmed as quickly as quantums. It'll be one of those I keep stocked in inventory for Borg and other such fleet actions..
Thank you for the replies and the short and detailed explanations, they were very helpful. What I plan to do is keep it in inventory and equip it when I go against the Borg. It is a lot of fun to use, but I need to try other weapons as well. I figured out High Yield wasn't affecting it when only one torp would fire, and I…