i'm having the same issue starts around the time i get home from work, and by the time it gets playable, it's too late. really pisses me off, until now, i couldn't play because the performance on the new maps was abysmal, and now that i got a new computer that can handle it, the connection gives up. It's only during my…
if i could vote two, i would choose the hierarchy and the krenim. The hierarchy guys look distinct and were in some of my favourite episodes, so i voted for them. Close second would be the krenim, i just love temporal stuff, they had great potential, too bad they messed up year of hell... (why didn't they stretch it for at…
the game client crashes every once in a while for some reason, so i keep the arc window around (don't even close it, maybe minimize it to the tray), and when i do bring it up (even if it wasn't minimized, just behind other windows), it takes around 15 seconds for the window to fully load (the newsfeed about the selected…
Will we get new hull materials for all ships? Also, can we get the different parts of existing hull materials separated? (hull plating, deflector array and bussard collectors, so we can select them independently)
i just did it, created a PWE account to merge the two. not because of the rewards (literally none of them are ANY use to me, barely good for EC either), i did it because the whole site is shoving the free zen survey in my face and i could use a little extra c-points. I tried to do it, but it says i have to have a level 10…