This whole post is chock full o' win. But yeah, I do hope that X2 brings exploration back with it. And Terradome. And the DS9 fleet action. In a perfect world (heh) I would see all the removed content back, with bugs fixed and improved where needed. Hopefully it will happen. But do I count on it? "We will want to address…
AMEN! It doesn't matter if you liked it or not. When it was in game YOU had the option of not playing it. I had the option to do so. That option is gone now. Not replaced, just gone. The stated reasons for getting rid of the content are disingenuous at best and an outright smokescreen/lie at worst. Just as much as those…
Agreed for the most part. I enjoy doing all the content. The exploration missions were not all they could have been, but I liked them for various reasons.
I contributed to the old "Improved Exploration" thread you started. That is how I remember your name! ;) Good ideas in there, stuff I hope the dev team takes a look at.
Look at your first little line there. I recall someone who said they could make their point without personal attacks. Yep, I teach leap frog. I am familiar with the practices of PWE after taking over CO and STO and the management of NWO from the beginning. Playing the games and chatting with the people that play them both…
Refuting your say called points are easy in fact, just tiresome. I ain't going to change your mind, you have already got it made up that PWE does no wrong. I am a dissatisfied customer and I WILL voice my concern in the format available to me and stop purchasing anything until the decisions make a turn for what I would…
All that matters is that you stay in the black? Businesses don't expect profits to grow every quarter every year and question it when they don't? Wrong. NOT AT ALL how it works and I am not getting into what my profession is.
Expansion =/= replacement ex·pand /ikˈspand/ verb verb: expand; 3rd person present: expands; past tense: expanded; past participle: expanded; gerund or present participle: expanding become or make larger or more extensive re·place [ri-pleys] Show IPA verb (used with object), re·placed, re·plac·ing. 1. to assume the former…
I have five toons in Champions Online. I have two In Neverwinter. I CAN speak to the bad decisions made in the three PWE games that I do play. ANd I can tell you that losing 18% of your customers will definitely effect your bottom line. Every time. Profitable can be short term and long term. What are poor decisions in my…
They just removed it, didn't replace it with anything. Expansion by it's nature is supposed to expand the game, not take the place of something else. We should get exploration back (improved would be great) AND the expansion. Not either or.
Come now, don't try to steer off point. You said speculation based off being POed instead of actual numbers Blizzard publishes. There are the numbers. PC users playing PWE games down 18%. But what it boils down to is I believe the powers that be are making bad decisions for this game. Are you saying you disagree?
Whoah. Don't lose track of the article that touched off this current round of debate!
Tablet/mobile games are much different beasts. Console and PC games are not going away. Fruit Ninja, Candy Crush and Farmville make money, this is true and may even earn as well as WoW, but that doesn't mean Farmville is going to put WoW out of business.
Here here. The poster even had the never to tell another player that the way they choose to enjoy the game was 'doing it wrong' and trying to be a white knight. In what way are these things 'facts'? PUH-LEASE I don't PvP, I think it's terrible. But I am not going to advocate it's removal. If Cryptic DID remove it, I would…
What I find disturbing is the linked financial metrics and the signs pointing to turning STO into a mobile device clicky game. Not the other game being developed. It says flat out that the loss of PC customers are making them push towards mobile gaming. Another example of the powers that be refusing to fix the actual…
I actually plan on buying an Intrepid as my main is a science officer, I liked Voyager,I got two more slots now and I only have one science ship. (I spend most of my time in a cruiser. I just love cruisers, sue me.) The reason I am holding off? I won't buy anything until I see the direction of the game take a turn that I…
ALL of them: It makes a significant difference in the download size? People get lost in them? Not up to a quality standard? (I even snorted typing that last bit out) These supposed factors scare off new players? Nope, not buying it.
I don't play test server so I couldn't begin to tell you the success rate, but I feel quite confident in saying that it is extremely unlikely that failure would destroy your item.
So if content drops below a threshold of dings it should be removed? I disagree with that strategy. The 'no one plays it' excuse is a self-fulfilling prophecy at best. Fix your s*** Cryptic and people will play. Nah, too much work, take it out. And I agree with smoggy on this, the stated reasons don't make good sense. I…
I too would like just a short message from someone at Cryptic telling us if Exploration and Terradome are coming back in some fashion. Just a confirmation either way. The message need not be any longer than what I have typed here. It didn't take long.
That sums it up for me as well. The proposed idea to make components is a good one, and I could enjoy making my own custom gear. THAT would get me on board. Also, as I have been watching Voyager lately combined with the upcoming Delta Quadrant stuff: I want a Captain Proton ray gun. Can we craft that puppy please? :D