I'm having this issue on both of my KDF characters as well. 1 is a lvl 65 regular Klingon Tactical and the other is a level 25 Discovery Klingon Tactical. Each time I pick the mission up I only get 2 locations, never a 3rd. This makes the mission impossible to complete as it will only trigger completion if you scan 3…
I know the situation with it being in a box already but if they made a T6 Conny/D7 pack they would stand to make a mint off of it. Hopefully one day they will offer this.
No it was because Picard asked Boothby his opinion on Netchayev and in turn Boothby told Netchayev of this. Netchayev then 'had it out' for Picard and made sure his career stagnated on Stargazer. We all know Boothby was really the one running Starfleet with his infinite connections made over years and years of maintaining…
They bring in a new population to nickel and dime for awhile and try to squeeze every penny out of them before they move on. Then they run the promotion again to bring in another new population. Rinse and repeat. It's pretty much how the game runs these days.
I've never heard of a Klingon life debt before and a Google search returned nothing on the topic. Klingons revered death so I find it odd they would have a life debt system. Death, specifically in battle, was their golden ticket to Sto'Vo'Kor (Klingon heaven). They also prefer death to a life lived as a servant or slave.…
I haven't logged in for months but gave this a run and created a new Starfleet tactical officer. Playing the new missions was enjoyable despite being in a Miranda and the graphics/sound look great. It wasn't until I made it to lieutenant that I stopped playing; when I was awarded Evasive Maneuvers yet again. I have a total…
I'm not sure anyone has asked yet, but is there an accolade associated with how many times you get a popup? Any title associated with getting 1,000 popups?
Scale has always been a persistent issue in STO. Remember when they said we'd one day be able to use The Foundry to build our own starship interiors? Ha!
Popular sentiment from my perspective would indicate this game goes away. I don't know anyone other than myself in real life that plays this game (and I live in one of the largest cities in the US). In-game there is a lot of turnover as well. Nobody that I played with back in the open beta/head start days plays anymore and…
The answer is no. For almost 5 years Cryptic has failed to make engaging content. Now that they have formally stated that they won't be releasing any more canon ships, my interest has sunk to nil.
This is due to how counterintuitive enemy NPCs are in STO. There is no reward or reason to be a tank or healer. All that matters is chipping away at the enemy NPCs health meter. Difficulty seems to be based on how long it takes to bring down that meter or how many hit points the enemy has, that's the "challenge" in STO.…
As others have iterated, DR was supposed to be 'make or break' for the game and right now it's looking like break by a landslide. I'm a lifer but I'm honestly hoping they close this one down soon so that Trek gaming (and the devs) can move on to something new. Nothing against Cryptic, they gave it the 'ol college try but…
I partook in the 'Threadnaut', one of if not the first rage post on these forums. I remember running for miles all over the original First City/Qo'noS. I still kinda miss the first ship requisitions on the old ESD. Of course I used to buy all of my gear, which at the time the best was purple Mk X, at K-7. I remember when…
It can't be refuted because it's true. Given if you work 40+ hours a week like myself it will probably take you around a month, which is still very good for a MMO. The learning curve is just a bit different but for those power levelers out there it can be done in a couple of days.
Kind of but not really. Has anyone tried to get to lvl 50 in STO since the DOff XP nerf? 55 in SWTOR is still very doable in a week if you know what missions to run.
Ironic that SWTOR is pushing 12 x XP and STO just nerfed everyone's XP, no? For me where the rubber hits the road is this: Growing up there were 2 sci-fi franchises, both 'Star' quality. Wars and Trek. They were AAA. Everything else was the next tier. BSG, Dr. Who, etc. I'm a fan of those next tier franchises but none were…