Except this isn't real life. We aren't studying at Starfleet Academy for four years just to get a crewman position on a starship. We arn't tackling pros and cons and the better part of the Art of War. It is a video game. We already spend months of real time just upgrading Fleet Holdings and ect. It took months of playing…
Mission Name: The Red Dawn Author: Website: Rharkul In game: Cythas@Zacs Minimum Level: 41+ Allegiance: Federation Project ID: ST-HBPB28T3E Estimated Mission Length: Thirty to Forty minutes. Method of Report Delivery: In Game mail, please. :) Description: Heavy Space Combat. Mild Dialog. Minimal Ground Combat.
Renamed Project to The Red Dawn. Reduced base number of fights for Solo and Team play. Mission is still built for solo play, though it's easier to bring in a team now.