Having the log in issue as well, getting other fleet mates saying the same on out team speak as well. Some having issues getting into the arc website as well.
Was in game and the kicked with a long server not responding for 5 minutes. I had to go and manually shut down the client process in my process window. No every time I try to log in to STO I get the Login2_Timeout Press the support button for additional help. I was in a mission beaming back to my ship and then nothing.
Was in game and the kicked with a long server not responding for 5 minutes. I had to go and manually shut down the client process in my process window. No every time I try to log in to STO I get Login2_Timeout Press the support button for additional help. Anyone else getting problems today?
Ok, I have restared everything from my PC to my Roughter and I'am still having the same issue with the Login Sever Timming Out. My Game Launcher still will not load at times and when I finally got it to load the Server Light was RED not GREEN. I installed Arch to get my Game Loader to Load and from there I got the Log In…
I was in Game and got disconnected and now I can not get my game to connect to the game servers of any type. My internet is working other wise I could not post this. Having problems getting the STO Site to load and Champions Online wont Connect either. What is going on?