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What is the Arc Client?
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relicdude#3981 Arc User



  • its crystal clear to me now, thank you guys. I was always wondering why there are no console's or engines which lengthen the duration of slipstream. Everything always goes one way, in effect, shortening the time. This is a really complicated game. Just the other day i wondered why my damage meter suddenly went from 113 to…
  • Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. You're right, i seem to get them confused. Can anyone explain me the difference ?... But the fact, and thus my problem, stands. FYI: I am flying the Fleet Battle-cruiser T6-X. When needed i use the Universal trans-warp computer, it has a 50% cool-down reduction on all trans-warp…
  • Only have 1, and its mine, you cant have it.
  • I will try this.. sounds solid. thx RD.
  • The first time.. Just the TRIBBLE that i got from mission drops and rewards. Except that Lobi stuff. I have a decent grasp on Bridge officers in space. On the ground ?... not so much.. so they are basically default.
  • So you know ?... i know justice also knows... (he makes videos on Youtube) I am in a fleet. 1st Elite Wing. Great fleet, i bet that i can get some to play.. but thats just the point, isn't it ?... I shouldn't have to. And although running around with you on Kobali prime sounds like massive fun... it proves my point. Its…
  • preciate your comments. Try to make a character, and get him/her to level 65 WITHOUT buying anything from any store, except consumables, Or use stuff you already have from another run. Including ships. Only use what you get from drops and rewards... THAT'S how free to play and newbies feel. Rep stuff you only get much…
  • Tried that... I stay alive longer, they die. and i get gangbanged by way to fast respawning enemies....
  • Any idea what your beloved Elachi walker pet costs ?.... I rather just skip the entire Kobali front...
  • Why not balancing the odds a bit, and make this quest a fun one to play, instead of a frustrating one... I have no problem playing hard, i play most games i have on hard or insanity... But this is bull@@@, Why if i use a heal, my energy and all other consumables also go on cool-down ?... ie; i cant use them. thats unfair…
  • Thats exactly what i am thinking. But If you get burned, one person learns and adapts, and the other just feels pain.....
  • I used he 50 lobi armor from he lobi store, and the herald antiptroton lance. all level 12, no dil to upgrade..as usual, but i heard somewhere that it grows with you till level 50. and you cant even upgrade before then. I have 1 engineer, (my first character) and 2 tac characters. By now all fleet admirals. If i revive any…