Yes, I know that already, Inferiority, & thank you for responding....that change, while somewhat annoying, didn't change how we did ship grinding in Argala, merely meant that we couldn't really track our progress minute-to-minute. My problem is that with the newest change, where patrols go into cooldown as soon as you…
Why is it *EVERY SINGLE TIME* somebody puts out a vote for stuff like this, everybody goes for the design that looks closest to one that already exists in game, rather than voting for something creative & unique?? It happens in every game & project that have had votes like this. Bad enough that everybody went for "Omega"…
Alpha's not even worth's way too similar to the Elachi S'golth, & there are a bunch of other ships that have roughly-triangular shapes. Echo is cool, don't get me wrong....& I do like the fact that they changed it from other batarangs in STO by spinning the arc to face backwards. I just don't think it…
Echo kinda looks to me like the Lukari would be taking inspiration from the Romulans. Foxtrot does look a lot like a manta/conference speaker. I voted for Echo because I initially liked the design more, but now I'm regretting that choice. In retrospect, I think I agree with kelettes: Foxtrot looks easier to design, less…
I'm for Bravo. I like the up-turned curve of its wings in profile, & Alpha seems a bit...simplistic, I guess? Besides, I agree that it looks a little too similar to other triangular designs like the JHD or the Elachi S'Golth. I would like to see something unique this time around (unlike with the "Design a Fed Carrier"…
1> Captain JamJamz 2> K-Class 3> Purely speculation on my part, since I haven't seen tomorrow's maps yet...If it's on the galaxy map, I'd doubt it would be the Sphere Builders (who hail from an alternate dimension). There are many species to choose from - the Shelliak, the Devore, the Tzenketh...but I'm going to jump on…
These two are so damned similar, it's ridiculous that they should be the two finalists....I think we should have had a much more definitive choice for the final (like, for example, Omega & Gamma), & left designs nearly identical like these for alternate skins for the ship. I can see a few things on Alpha that I like more,…
Week3: 1. Photoshop 2. Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought-Carrier. in my opinion the bestest ship in the whole star trek universe. Week 4: 1. Unwrapping. 2. I wouldn't mind seeing a Borg Cooperative Faction or a Ferengi Faction, but I think we *all* know that the next faction is going to be Cardassian.
I've actually lost half of the votes so far. I can live with losing Theta, but Gamma was *the* ship I wanted to win. Still, I suppose Omega's not a bad second choice.
Geez, this one is a tough call.... I agree with timelord79, that the two designs look so similar that they should be hull variations, not entirely different designs. I'm still a bit miffed about losing Gamma, I liked the unique arrangement of the nacelles & the 2 vertically-stacked forward hanger bays. However, much as I…
OK, I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong.... ....I've been whining ever since the contest started that these designs all suck, based on the top & side profiles we were given. I'd complain every time I voted that they need to give us more options, or better designs to choose from, & my vote (like many players who also…
Much as I hate these two designs (as much as I hate all the others), I'm inclined to believe my own conspiracy....Omega seems to be the closest to an actual carrier design of the lot. Similarity to horrid Jupiter-Class aside, the side-profile does have that "negative Space" element which suggests a side-launching hanger…'s almost like Cryptic is trying to prejudice us towards's almost like they only designed one hull for the ship, & then creating a fake "contest" to build up hype about it, which slants the voters heavily towards that design so that they feel like they contributed & spend more money on the game...…
As before, I'm voting only because some of those designs are so horrible that I couldn't stand to see them being used in the final product. None of these designs are right for a carrier at all, in my opinion, so we're all just picking the best of the worst. Having said that, Theta is my choice, because of all 8-hull…
Starting a grass-roots campaign to hopefully get new hulls designed for this proposed T6 Carrier. Add your voice if you agree with it:
Thank you, that's exactly what I think, Gtvadeimos. Those two designs you mentioned are the best ones of the lot, but they were completely ignored in favor of 'traditional' hull designs. I'd love to get a petition started to throw out all of those designs (similarly, no offense to the designers, but they all *do* feel like…
#teamgamma, but only because it's the better pile of *censored* between two piles of *censored*. None of the designs that have been presented really stand out as unique or interesting. They strike me more as generic Cruisers & Escorts than as a unique, 2-hanger heavy carrier. To be frank, I think the rough sketch in the…
Personally, I'm excited for the new Xindi ships, but I have concerns: 1> OK, never mind that the Terrestrial Lockbox said that "Finally, all five Xindi species are united", & then conveniently left out the Arboreal ship. I suspect that Cryptic will be releasing something for the Arboreals as yet another limited-time-only…
Amen, Cokebear. As I said, I do gripe & whine a fair bit, but I don't put the passion or venom into my complaints like some of these people do. It's a freakin' game, a bridge, get over it.
I'll admit to ******** & moaning about bugs & glitches & 'updates' which make the game more inconvenient in the short term, & I'll admit to doing these complaints in game or on my Fleet's Vent fairly regularly.... ...having said that, I know that creating a virtual world the size of STO & making changes to it while it's…
10:07, Newfoundland Canada C:\Users\user>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms [] 3 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms…
One of my Fleetmates restarted his computer, & now his launcher is able to load again, though it says the same thing....that the maintenance time has been extended. Apparently, it also now says the same thing in Francais & Deutsche
Tried again at 9:42 PST, from Newfoundland Canada... C:\Users\user>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms 1 ms 2 9 ms 7 ms 8 ms [] 3 6 ms 7 ms 6 ms…
Tried this around 9:15 am (PST) C:\Users\user>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 7 ms 8 ms 8 ms [] 3 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms…