I appreciate the suggestion about checking the available mission tab for a promotion mission to get the VA DOff pack that 3 of my characters didn't get. Unfortunately there wasn't anything like that there for any of them. Maybe it will show up later. Also, if as the above writer notes that they got the VA Doff pack for…
Probably so. I found the same with my 42 characters (inherited half of them) - 39 each got a DOff pack like you did and 3 did not. The 39 that got the pack happened to be at an Academy at initial login and the 3 that didn't happened to be in space at a mission start at initial login. So if the initial freebie code that's…
First time I played I came in midway in the battle, stayed until the status board went off and everyone left (large group = no escapees) and got credit. Second time I played I was there early, played through the whole battle, including the queen, stayed until the status board went off and everyone left (total of 7 players…
The original announcement and others (like Twitter), excluding the blog sited in several responses, did say "Flying High" would be extended to Aug. 4th, not 5th. The blog may have been a typo - after all Cryptic is human as well. If someone plans their play to end at the last moment, life issues not withstanding (which I…
The "very, very large amount" comment is no longer true. My wife and I have lost large (over 500 emails) and small (less than 100 emails) batches of email in 3 of our accounts in the past 24 hours. The last loss of email happened within the last 4 hours. The only ones remaining are those sent from 5-28-13 on, even though I…