Sorry to necro this but i'll add my 2 cents. I have gotten some of the convention rewards in the past, never having been to the convention, I figured it was something to do with me having a Lifetime Sub. I have not gotten the Nagus myself however. I have in the past spent a few hundred dollars on Zen but nothing close to…
Yea i'm having all the same problems related to network connectivity with the game since Season 14 started; lag, long load times, frozen load screens, loading into an area but clicking on things on the screen does nothing, disconnects, etc....etc..... I normaly NEVER have any lag at all. I live VERY close to the game…
Well you were right. All I did was raise my height slider from min to max and it did the mission no problem. Some other people said if you jump at that point in the mission it works also but i'd already changed my height anyways. LOL Weird problems "Sorry you must be THIS tall to play the mission "Brushfire" " LMAO
Yes and I pray this is sarcasm because I didn't join this game to have a ship loaded up exactly like the uber leet min/max build with all the same weapon types <although that part makes sense> and have my console slots loaded out the max with multiple copies of the same console just so I can destroy things ASAP because…
One place I don't see this working well on Advanced though just setting the timer longer is Infected though. Since now on advanced it's insta fail if one of the borg balls gets to start healing the transformer. In most elite pugs before DR i'd say about 75% of the time or more people figure out or knew you had to…
You know it's getting bad when you get in the game during prime time in the early to late evening US time and it's actually QUIET in zone chat on ESD. THAT really freaked me out, and tells me more than anything that people are leaving in droves. <shudder>
There....fixed that for ya. I already posted a long explanation of this in another thread. Suffice it to say Advanced is WAY too difficult for a lvl 50 with a new T5-U ship, and it seems pointless for a max lvl 60 capt with a max level T5-U ship to be having to do this only to get Mk XII gear. The Rep Gear sets were…
Not much here for any player anymore, this whole update was Cryptic catering to the endgame min/max monkeys and the only thing here for anyone other than hardcore players is the new mission storyline. I will probably run thru that and then hang it up for a few months and play something else because the new STF system is…
Yea could we at least get some confirmation from Devs or someone this is a known issue and is it a display issue where it's not showing the correct stats in the upgrade window, or is the set shields truely not gettting ANY form of stats increase at all after upgrades?
Yea I can confirm this. no upgrade option...even though the 2 other parts of that set do have upgrade option. Ok so anyone know of a post where they are collecting things that CAN be upgraded, but are borked and show no stats change? Like the Dyson set shields.
Are we talking about items in here where there is no option to upgrade it, or it shows in the upgrade window with no change to stats other than going from MkXII to MkXIII?
I just pray that this whole thing dosent become such a giant ragefest for people that the most memorable part of it is the reintroduction of Club 47 to the new ESD..... LOL :eek:
Well after reading 27 freakin pages of comments about this....the only thing I can say is that most of the arguments between players seem to be people not realizing they play as a significantly different subset of the player base, which probably generated alot of the argument. <shrug> In any case since apparently Cryptic…
Anyone know which one of the birds gives you the +0.05 Inertia buff? And if there are others to get? I know there is at least one with that inertia buff, one of my fleetmates linked it when he got lucky and got it in the first couple of days of raising a bird, but I can't remember which bird it was.
Anyone know which one of the birds gives you the +0.05 Inertia buff? And if there are others to get? I know there is at least one with that inertia buff, one of my fleetmates linked it when he got lucky and got it in the first couple of days of raising a bird, but I can't remember which bird it was.
I get the same thing you guys get. Trying to run game thru Arc, Arc constantly times out trying to log me in. Running thru the STO launcher I got the initial patch, but same error message about connecting to the on demand patcher. After turning off the on demand patching in the launcher it patched a further 4gb's but even…
I'm liking the split section/level idea. Making the door in the back of that rotunda a load entrance makes it possible to have pretty much any area layout you want that would conform normally with the interior of the new ESD so that's probably a good idea. It was nice being able to see it walking by in old ESD but it seems…
Yea but bignutter did bring up a valid point. Unless the First Contact Day event is so minor of a change from a programing point of view it could cause huge issues trying to have the servers run more than one active special event at the same time. It DOES seem like the First Contact Day event is fairly minor as in it's…
What like....being able to transform yourself permanently to another race? Yea I don't see that happening. Heh. But I do think my fave from your original 10 is more cast members from the series runs appearing in game. That would be very cool.
You mean...not unlike your post slaming the CM for giving us some input about what's going on. Oh yea...that's not the same thing AT ALL..... :rolleyes: name is David and I can't log into STO for.....67 minz....I can haz my STO back PWEEZE? BTW did someone check to see if the ventilation fan for the routers was clogged up with nicotine tar and dust bunnies? That always used to be the problem back in the day.... :D
Yea Neverwinter is having the same problem right now also so it's probably related to the same problem they had the other day. Hopefully it can get"better"?? This time...<shrug>
Anyone posting with negative comments about people wishing the Mirror Event was being extended due to the downtimes, apparently you don't read much of the forums. Please refer your brains here, specificly the cut and paste already posted by PWLaughingTrendy DAYS ago.…
Yea it's always appreciated to be kept in the loop about what is and isn't being done, or can or can't be done, when there is a major issue like this. It took WAYYYYY too long to fix, but honestly I really don't see very much of the blame being on Cryptic/PWE for this. It was nice to hear though that they are going to…