Could you specify which ship this is? Also, specifying which parts your ship is using, as well as any shield/engine/deflector items? A screenshot would also be of great help in identifying your problem.
It seems there's quite a bit of confusion, which is causing a lot of animosity. I'll try to clear it up as simply as possible: You can use the old Odyssey parts on any of the new variants, including the Endeavour, without having to purchase the T5 version of the ship. The Odyssey parts come along with ALL variants, T5 & T6…
Firstly, which one? There are four versions of the original Odyssey, three of which you can upgrade. Check: If you scroll down, you can find a chart that compares the three. You can find the stats for the new ones here:…
Exactly. The thread title makes it seem like we did something to the Scimitar - which is flat out wrong. We actually did nothing to the Scimitar itself. We're just adding more parts, and they're all compatible with the previous ships -- mix & match it all to your heart's content. I think you'll all find that, despite the…
I too, am still confused... but I have a guess about what's going on. You customized a ship, swapping out certain parts so that you could make a ship that, from one angle, looks similar to another ship. You wanted to share your kitbash. Is that correct? Because, if that's not, then I'm terribly confused.
Considering the ship was only on screen for a matter of seconds, and the fact that ships on screen in the past have been flipped upside down, mirrored, and had clips of them played in reverse, we're going with whatever looks the nicest. This ship has no clearly defined front or back. The vessel's orientation in-game…
Do you have any examples of what you're talking about? Which ship(s), which parts, shield overlays, material choices, graphics settings, environment lighting, and such all come into play.
Working as intended. Consider the glowing bits to be similar to windows, escape pods, id names, id numbers, & decals that do not change despite any shield overlay.
8 Disruptor 6 Phaser 6 Polaron 6 Tetryon 4 Plasma 4 Antiproton The two types you mentioned are certainly up there in the variety of availability. Also, all the above damage types are canonical.
Fun fact: They do! All of the gas giants in our solar system have had proportionally large, and easily visible storms at some point in recent history. It makes sense that another gas giant, in another similarly habitable solar system, would be covered in storms that look familiar.
The configuration was certainly an inspiration. Namely the pylons being attached at the rear of the saucer. In a similar sense, the Oberth is built similarly (sans the neck), so there's at least some foundation in canon for the choice to place the pylons & nacelles where they are.
Glad to hear you guys are liking it! Can't wait to see them flying around on Holodeck! Our awesome concept artist did the original concept work for it, and I built it. No Starfleet, Klingon or Romulan materials will be available. However, your standard array of shield items will still alter the look. There are two material…
Not to sound like a downer, but Mark does not work on STO, and his process is a far cry from how we build things. That being said, it is indeed fun watching the refit come together, but it is completely unrelated to STO.
Around the beginning of the year I added updated versions of both of those vessels. The originals are still available! If you fly any "Tactical Escort" head over to the tailor and check your parts, they're free additions!
FYI: The standard array of Federation hull materials (including the Type 6) will be available to this vessel, as well as the window & escape pod options. Groovy.
Variety is the key here. These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend" Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend" Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend" We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone,…
There are already series of updates that are in the process of rolling out for the Intrepid update -- including realignment of variants, as well as the ablative armor issues pointed out. Just waiting for an appropriate build. Thanks for the keen eyes, though!