Ok I'm back. So this is the retro swimwear, its the only one that lets me have a shirtless toon. The "bare chest" option actually gives you a shirt, so I don't know why its called that. So is this really the only option?
Ok, I'll check again next time I play. I see, kinda think that would actually be better if it was less restricted.... I've seen a human character with the gorn clothing once!
Ok, I'm sorry if I've been dumb, but I found the warp core in the account bank... It was scrolled off the page and I had forgotten I had gotten extra bank spaces... So it let me reclaim the rest of the pieces now.
I wonder if this high zen cost and lack of dilithium sink will eventually end the game somehow? Also I might have either a brilliant idea or a really dumb one... But what if the dilithium to zen cap was reduced instead of increased? Early in this thread someone said it should be increased to 1000, or even limitless! But…
So sorry about my rant last night... Anyway I have been using the free t-5 galaxy class and after some adjustment to weapons and consuls I was able to beat the mission by letting the helper ship you can call fight the battleship while I retreated to repair and then engage again. Right now I've got it equipped with two…