windows 10 pro with a 960 nvidia card locks right after I hit engage so I suppose all the money I have in the game is worthless unless sto does something
that is so lame that tribble is now only gold delta quad is more than likely going to go pay to play really wish sto wasn't going like so many other games only gold input matters when it comes to testing new content and I have been playing for along time now and thats why I don't play sto very much anymore well thanks…
I know there is wanting to keep the Klingon war front going but if your fleet already has a fed star base and Klingon base but most of your team mates insist on playing fed in a small fleet and want to cross invite Klingon char's to do stf's at least will that be an be an option because it's really hard to get things done…
okay I get the whole test on tribble but no dilith drops and no new tech drop's on the mission's and foundry locked up and longer than average log time's for mission's or mission's that won't even spawn make's it very difficult to test this content hopefully when it goe's on stream the transfer will be better than it did…
modeling has been excellent and the mission's a little more differnt than the usal fare wich is nice space kinda another story need more voice over's nut I am looking forward to doing the work on shard when it transfer's right now kinda handicapped by not having all of my crafting supplie's on hand when I trasnfered
I have been consistently play sto for awhile it's time for fleet's with klingon elements to be able to freely cross team with their fed fleets on team invite instead of the current way team invite for instance's should be the same as if you were all fed or all klingon if in the same fleet base and the sever issue's keep…