Anything about Boff Abilities should use this mechanic: The Ability will work different but at the same time equal, in both PvP and PvE, let me explain... In PvE a certain ability, Let's say Tachyon Beam, could take a NPC shields based in a percentage(10, 20 or 30%). In PvP this ability would take from a Enemy Player…
oh, I'm not using the commander tactical anymore, I'm currently using a commander science, the reason I was using the comm tac: so 1700 hours of PvE, and everyone knows that in PvE the only thing that matters is DPS. I know, I know, with only 2 Tac consoles I wasn't going to do anything but you can see that I'm using the…
Why bad things happen to me, I'm going to miss this event because I broke my arm today and I'm only allowed to be using my smartphone in the hospital, anyway good luck for those who will get the Bug ship :D
Anything about Recluse Carrier Captains not being able to get the Advanced/Elite Tholian Weavers? It says that I need a Recluse to buy these pets, but I have one as my active ship.
How about fixing the "unable to acquire this hangar pet, you must own a (insert ship name here)". I want my advanced Tholian Weavers, but i can't buy them and yes, I have the Recluse.
Just a suggestion, the hangar pets could only rank up if they are in combat and lose ranks if they are not in combat and Fighters should have only 3 Ranks and Frigates 5(a Fighter with a Rank 3 would have the same stats as a rank 5 Fighter in the current build)