First, the correct word is "affected," not "effected." Second, STO is a PC game, not a console game. Why do I state the obvious? Because everyone's PC is different, unlike consoles where everyone shares the same hardware. That, combined with server code that is written to compensate for the variety of different servers it…
QFT. It's not the ISP. It's server side code that got borked during the integration to live. It happens now and again with any online game. It's something that's not easy to catch. I wouldn't be surprised if a hot fix comes down in the next couple of days that magically fixes the problem, like maybe re-integrating and…
I have to throw my hat into this "pile," too. The latest patch hosed my connectivity to STO. Everything else internet related works fine on my PC, including GW 2 and Secret World, but STO is chalk full of "Server Not Responding" messages. I haven't seen anything posted from Cryptic, either. Not exactly encouraging. :mad: