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  • They said on Twitter that it will take them another 2 hours
  • FFS i'll gonna loose whole day because they cant get their damn game up? What with my dilithium, what with my risa tokens? With that rate i seriously doubt it will be back online before reset and i'll just loose whole day...
  • What are those science consoles? I saw plasma generating weapon signature nullifier [+flow] mk XII, should i buy that and upgrade to XIV? What is this -[pla] mod from your build?
  • Well, that's good to know :), so i went with 3x blue damage control. I think i'll buy antiproton beams with crtdx2 and pen if possible, to boost my dmg to armor to mitigate lack of torps. that is still going to cost me around9mil per beam for XIVs so total around 63mil. so i guess that plasmonic leech would need to wait…
  • DOFFs - I had 2 purple technicians (with 10% reduce to ability cd each) and added to it 2 blue dmg control engineers and one purple warp core engineer. Damage type - phasers or tetryon i think wont best choice for me, because most i do are stfs, and things like Crysaline Entity dont have shields and borg too dont have…
  • I guess maybe it's not complete fail, but still in your build i wont be using eclipse's module, and if i'll go for phantom i wont be using eclipse's trait too. so paying 3k zen i get discount of 4 modules, which is 2k zen if i remember correctly, so basically i lost 1k zen. Not that huge amount, but if i wouldnt have done…
  • Ok,so first thing, i seriously fked up... i bought eclipse for zen. I dont know what i was thinking, i could have bought phantom for trait for zen and just fleet eclipse for ec...
  • Ok, thanks for all advices, today after daily reset i'll finally have enough zen to buy a ship, and after changing my mind many times through last weeks i decided to go for Fleet Eclipse. Seaofsorrows i think i'll go for your build from your signature, but without reciprocity ofc. So what do you think i should change and…
  • What is the difference in survivability between Fleet version of Eclipse and Presidio? Is it that noticable? Also how viable to fly is Eclipse with it's own trait if i would never plan to buy reciprocity or all hands on deck?
  • About the Drexfiles i managed to find some article that says this: "Well, once upon a time there was a wonderful website called Drex Files, where Star Trek visual effects wizard, art department pro, make-up artist, all round mega-fan, and friend of trekkies everywhere, Doug Drexler, treated the world to regular looks…
  • hmm, and what you guys think of Benthan Assault Crusier? I got lucky today and i have Xindi Olean now, which i could sell and change to Benthan. But is it a good ship? Is it worth it? Or better leave money for fitting and upgrading stuff for Presidio later?
  • A pitty, it looks really nice. And sci version? Does buying whole pack has any advantages? Or is it not worth additional zen farm?
  • Hmm, and the engi version is not woth buying?
  • Does Presidio comes only with it's base skin? I don't really like it's look that much, but engi one looks nice to me. So when i buy Presidio are there any options to modify it's looks?
  • In the graphic options there is toggle for Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. This is how it looks when i turn it on: http://imgur.com/tljrMnq,Mmtsr04#0 http://imgur.com/tljrMnq,Mmtsr04#1 At some angles everything looks ok, but on most angles there are those black or white pixels everywhere. When i trun SSAO off, then it is…
  • Thank you all for replies i learned few interesting things. For now i'm just farming stfs for marks, reputation and dil. I think i'll buy Presidio because it's more tanky, but i have still some time till i get resources for it, so i may still change my mind. While observing how other Eclipse and Presidio captains fly their…
  • Yeah, with nowadays dil/zen prices farming zen with one character is extremely long endevour, but right now to spend enough $ to buy a 3k zen ship is bit too much for us. We did supportet the game back in the days with sub or few zen, but right now it's not a viable option to us to buy anything more than cheapest package…
  • I'm pretty set for presidio. I think it will suit what i want. Still need to farm a bit dil/zen for it, but not long. So what do you suggest as to fit it with "for starter". I do have some MACO and Borg shields, engines, modules etc. including cutting beam and zero-point module, and full set of fleet disruptor beams mk XII…
  • Hmm, looks like some expensive build but i may try that one. I need to really close look what i actually have on my character and remember how everything works here :) As for Eclipse i actually like the look, but one of the main questions is: can it tank? I want something tanky with a puncch. For pure dps i plan to get…
  • westmetals Thank you for that information, i had no idea that i can do that. Certainly 12mil is better to spend than 700zen. As for Presidio, i checked your build seaofsorrows, and how do you fly it? As whamhammer1 pointed out about power management, dont you have problems with power on that build? Are you Tactical…
  • Thank you for responses. I heard that T5-U ships are still viable, but i prefer something that i would max at some point, and with T5-U i would always have a feel, that i could be bit stronger :) And besides maybe it's just time to fly something new. Eclipse dont look so bad, but i don't think i'll be utilizing it's cloak.…
  • That's what i build up from what i red and what i'm currently flying in: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=mogaitestv1_0 I'm replacing one neutronium alloy for Hydrodynamics Compensator from Undine rep. Doffs are technicians to reduce cd on TT. Boffs are roms with operative and subterfuge. I would like some advice…
  • I want to have first buuild for pve, maybe someday later i would think about getting to pvp. I think the reason was maybe that Ionized Particle Beam uses aux power, but i think that maybe i would carry aux battery instead to boost it. OK, so itried to come up with something, based on various advices and for now i came up…
  • Thank you all for your advices. When i asked around in game i got an advice to go full romulan sets + dual beams. Also i have some other questions: I noticed some builds combine both beams with cannons, i thought sticking to one type is better, because you can spec only toward one? I'll probably use locators someday but…
  • While taking any surveys for any "free" game currency, just never use your actual details. Use the sites like fakenamegenerator.com and/or create some free mail addres somewhere. Site is legal, and nothing obligate you to use your real personal data in surveys like this. That way you won't need to have to deal with all of…
  • I'm a little rusty with STO. Hmm, i'm not sure i understand. I should spec toward beams but use dhc? You mean spec in skills? Also in my other thread about choosing type of ship you suggested dual beam bank build with beam overload. Should all forward be 4dhc and rear 2turrets+cutting beam? Or should i throw there…
  • I finally farmed enough dil/zen to buy the ship. Hmm from everything i read here i think Fleet Mogai would suit my needs best. Ar'kif looks quite interesting too, and Dyson destroyer is certainly a good ship too, but definetly not sth i'm looking for now. Pure escort's always seemed too squishy for me (i can't imagine…
  • Thank you for your answers, i think i will choose Mogai. For the looks and manuverability i would probably choose Dhelan retrofit, but i think it would be to squishy for me, i'm currently flying basic Ha'feh and i would really prefer sth tankier, so the Mogai sems best. Although warmaker001b you mentioned beam overloads,…
  • Should i throw away torpedoes and go 5 dhc? or 4 dhc + wing cannons (since they got good dps and i cant afford anything better yet) and then instead of torpedo skills take 2 attack patterns omega? And, if so, should i change dmg type? Have bee using plasma-disruptor hybrid dhc mkXI but changed for phasers to match wing…
  • i change science team for hazard emitter, but i'm not sure about taking second TT1. If i take some conn doffs i can lower cd on it, will then one TT1 be enough?