I tend to reroll the TFO endeavours except for the borg ones. They pop easily unlike Lukari or Iconian. Shield and health requirements? I head into Researcher Rescue, stand in the fire and get my engineer boffs to put down generators. Then I go make a coffee. Simple. The place is good for ground damage too as clearing out…
When I run the arc, I skip all the missions and then pick them all up at once. Good call on highlighting those three missions in particular for attention.
Same deal as the mission you described, you need to submit a report before leaving the mountain shuttle base and the tholian cave. I find myself having to rerun those missions again sometimes on my recruits simply because I forgot about that poxy report at the end.
I run an Inquiry with the Ba'ul AP set and mainly Ba'ul AP beams with an A2B Beam Overload build (with a backup FAW for target rich environments). It kicks bottom well enough. I have loved the Avenger class and its successors since they were released. My only reservation is that the Inquiry should totally have been a…
Omega rep does have the MACO pulsewave with a nifty grenade alt fire. I think sets having limited weapon choices is fine, but I agree the rep store should cover all the bases.
1- I wish the devs had the freedom to make the content they want to make, instead of being limited by budget, executive direction and the demands of capitalism. 2 - A fully featured Foundry, 3d editor, better scripting, camera controls for shiny cutscenes, etc. 3 - A properly integrated and consistent Exploration mission…
First he's playing an Alien race captain, that gives him a base 10 traits in ground and space at a cost of no racial traits. Second, I imagine he's applied an Elite captain token, which adds another slot to ground and space. This one goes to 11.
My main uses storms or winds. Tempest, Tornado, Hurricane, Sirocco, Zephyr, Typhoon, etc. Where the storm is also an RAF fighter plane, I use the first service date as the NCC number. :)
Why not create a new category of items? Vanity Weapons [Space]. You want the TOS beam effects? Get it from a lockbox or the Dil store (DIL SINK, YAY!). CBS said no T6 Connie ever and held that position for a long time. So I don't think we can hold up something else they said no to and argue that it'll never happen.
I think after 7 years, you should probably have created a new thread to ask about this. The only time I set a rally point is during that mine investigating mission. Click the button and then on the trigger point to get the boff to stand where needed. Right click the button to remove.
I have a completed KDF recruit from the first run. I'm not gonna roll another. I am wondering if the rerun will coincide with another expansion to the Endeavour system as one of the requirements is reliant on increasing your level (was it 50 points? I forget). More people are hitting the 600 limit, that being the case,…
Given the amount of times we are less mobile and defending a spot from waves of enemies, I find these two modules extremely useful. The prisms dish out respectable damage and when all five are placed, they will seriously punish mobs at a fairly decent range with a rapid fire rate. The Obelisks don't fire as often, but…
My first time in Remain Klingon (server came up, logged in, opened event page and clicked join) it took me a few minutes to suss out what to do. After that realisation it was simple. Get marked, evasive mans, zoom to other ship. Rinse repeat. My fellow players figured it out and we were done in something like 15-20…
So far the first three missions in the Romulan Mystery Arc have had no transwarp options for my TOS recruit. EDIT - The next two missions, Shadow Play and Taris, both had transwarps. The Vault returns to not having the option.
Why? Purely selfish reasons I'm afraid. With the skip tokens being dilithium 'sinks', I'm not willing to spend 2,500 dil a pop to skip 3 lukari TFOs or whatever other task I can't be tribbled to do that day. The parasitic design** has done what it set out to do. Those that dedicated themselves to it are done or near done,…
I have died in cutscenes before. Well, one particular cutscene. Before the devs changed it, if you weren't exact with your timing it was entirely possible to get stuck in a pool of giant worm phlegm during the arena section of Colosseum. All I could do was helplessly watch as the turrets shot at the Aehallh while my health…