We are stuck with a cesspool of bad content... great. Some people love old exploration missions because they were simple without stupid/boring storyline or forced personality on our captains/boffs.
With removal of exploration missions we are stuck with "high quality of content that Foundry authors continue to deliver" I have no intention to play someones little adventure mission that last 30+ minutes and it is pointless to even play them at first place(my experience).
To much hype will destroy reputation of this game when it go live. Every game that did this had failed to deliver: SWTOR had to much hype....went F2P soon after to save the game. Elder Scrolls Online have done the same mistake , game breaking bugs and glitches for a game that should be flawless at release because of 60$…
It is impossible to chose 5 ships when you are fan of Warhammer 40k universe...and it would be heretical to even try to make the list. Because this: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Imperial_Spacecraft and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h67JpMyrOVE The emperor protects :cool:
Play as PUG for 1 week with ship that is not "build" for PvP and then post this.... without dil or ec on account for better equipment. If it is not REALLY hard to be a competent PvPer you will enjoy in every combat against premades/exploiters :D.
At first i was trying to see what kind of person you are(and troll you a bit) but now i understand your point , i had one idea for mail system that would be the best in this situation. It would be terrible if i try to explain it here(im not that good with english language at all) but i could make a simple picture of my…
"using the mail system the way it worked"....you mean Bank system 2.0? :rolleyes:, just admit that you are butthurt with new mail system...oh wait you already did :P.
HAHAHAHAHAHA " ESD zone useless for people who speak english "......this is not "problem" , the only problem that i see on zone chat is keyboard warriors/religious fanatics(there are some)/political themes/Atheists/homophobes/racists etc... Zone chat is completely useless these days :D. NO for language specific zone chat.
@xtern1ty and everyone who post here with another ways to earn ec...Good job:P This thread name is "Solutions for making daily ec after Tour nerf" not " tour nerf whine 2.0" , keep your whine comments on another thread that is made for that.
I will just put this thing here , it will explain what i think about this all. http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/groups/1/3/2055/thumb_620x2000/14145-4e96e5d3dbcf7ff.jpg