Lol if ESD was getting a "well-deserved facelift", what doesn't the Klingon and Romulan equivalents need then? They've had so little love thrown their way they don't just deserve a facelift they deserve a complete rework. Seriously they could just as well merge everything into Fed at this point because that faction is the…
Still beats buying the thing and not even recieving it.. It's listed as bought on the c-store but i don't have it in my inventory and i can't claim it....
The mission stinks of "that'll do". But then again so does the rest of the game so respect for consistency? That said i'm not happy at all that the warp core for that space set can only be gotten from that t6 grind ship. I'm assuming the ship is so bad you couldn't justify the grind without it?
I'm sorry what? STO (one of the most predatory and pay to win games currently available on PC) for best f2p mmo? I'm going to assume that this thread is an elaborate joke and i'm just too stupid to get it.
Lol yeah right. I don't believe for a second that Cryptic will allow us to modify our existing ships to be as good as the new tier. Or if they are it's gonna require some serious wallet fishing.
The one that's being ignorant here is you mister fanboi. We can understand WHY this needs to be done, but that doesn't mean we have to like it or even accept that it happens this frequently. There are people playing this game that doesn't HAVE 10+ hours a day of free time to play. I have friends that almost haven't been…
Yeah that's an annoying one, basically some of them fall through the floor and vanish from the map. I had to beam out and restart 3 - 4 times before i managed it. Just don't use any skills or weapons that have knockbacks (disable those skills of your BOFF's) and you have a slightly better chance of managing it. Also try to…
All this ofc ONLY if the fighters actually decides to follow you in the first place.... More then once have i had half my fighter wing just sit there in space doing f all useful after i launch them, and just as often i can't even replace them, even if i switch to a different fighter in the hangar(s) But Cryptic is probably…