Windows 10 under the hood is a lot like windows 7 & 8. some things have changed during beta testing of it. so I got a link for you guys to try. Hopefully I will be able to check it out later on today on my machine. Honestly it worked earlier this week but have not tested it since i got the full build. Check the link and…
I like this idea. I have the feeling that the Devs do not wish to see more of a power creep then what already took place. Personally I would love to see a mass conversation for the marks myself. Maybe being able to drop 1000 marks in a 20 hour period but you still have to refine the dilithium. I hope they do come out with…
i keep getting to the "Retrieving Character List" and minute or two goes by and "Login failed for unknown reason" wish someone would say whats up on this. but it has to be a minor minor issue......just joking i have a feeling there is a server side issue with this and hopefully ghet word from a dev or someone.