The remaining Wolf 359 ships, especially the New Orleans, would be welcome additions I think. While the devs already stated that ships from other games aren't likely to find their way into STO I'd like to add that some Klingon Academy and Star Trek Legacy ships are really nice desings that would lend themselves nicely to…
I wouldn't give up hope for the Typhoon just yet. Season 11 will pit us against the Terran Empire and as we all know from that last, almost prehistoric, Mirror Event, they still use the Typhoon as their ship of the line. We might just see the Typhoon featured as a . . . lockbox ship. *shudders* And no, I never made my…
So, I noticed that the design of the Geneva class is very similar to that of the Typhoon battleship. However, since the Typhoon has been my favourite Starfleet vessel in the game for some time now, I'd like to ask what the release of the command ships means for any plans you might or might not have in regards to making the…
Heck even then, in what way does this constitute a problem? As you noted yourself, Romulan ships occupy a lot more space in the game by sheer wingspan alone. A bunch of Jupiters would never make navigating Sector space a nuisance, unlike those dozens of Scimitars we are seeing literally everwhere in the game ... Besides I…
Well, the Jupiter is not even that big compared to what is already available to players. The Odyssey and the Klingon carriers easily rival it in size and volume and most Romulan Ships are a lot bigger than their contemporary counterparts from the other factions anyway. So that's no big deal here. I happen to find the…
You might be surprised! Today was the official announcement of the second expansion. It will raise the level cap to Level 60 and will introduce Tier 6 ships and MK XIV Gear. While i'm a bit sceptical towards these additions, there's now also a good chance that we will get playable versions of the Typhoon and Jupiter, if…
I definitely like to see the Typhoon and the Jupiter as playable spacecraft. After the Dominion War, the decline of the Romulan Star Empire and the tensions with the Klingons, Starfleet was certainly totally disillusioned about it's role as the military of the Federation. Having our selection of ships reflect that through…
I'd like to see refits of the Typhoon class battleship and the Jupiter class dreadnought. Refits of those two ships would have the nice side-effects of giving them a much needed face-lift and making them playable in the first place. These ships were part of the game since launch and yet they are the only two Federation…
Funny that you mention that. I always liked the flat top of the Typhoon. It gives the ship a rugged and crude appearance that emphasizes the militaristic nature of the ship. Keeping senior staff as safe as possible during combat should be one of the highest priorities of any dedicated fighting vessel. It's for that reason…
Hmm, I don't know. The Exeter class already features a lot of similiarities to Abrams' reimagined Constitution so I don't think that we really need the JJ Connie in the game. I would however love to have a playable ship akin to Admiral Marcus' Dreadnought. While it may be true that it's dark colour and rugged appereance…
Looks interesting, but given Cryptics tendency for releasing buggy content and taking even longer to fix said content (I still have that Tau Dewa Red Alert mission in my list for several weeks now -__-) I'm rather inclined to keep my distance from the Romulan faction for now. The new faction-specific UI seems to look…
An intriguing picture. Unfortunately their faces aren't visible so we can't identify them. For me it would've been interesting to know wether or not we will see . . . certain persons from the Romulan arc again given that I have still some scores to settle in Romulan space ... Also I don't really think that we'll see the…
This is such a shame! With all of it's little nod's to older Sim City titles like 2000 with it's Arcologies (Launch Arcology ftw!!!) the game actually looked promising and even fun, safe for EA's "so-called" anti-piracy policies of course. Electronic Arts really overdoes it with their "anti-piracy" policy this time and…
I strongly disagree with this idea for both immersive and gameplay reasons. For one the Jupiter is called a dreadnought ingame. Dreadnought as in battleship and battleship as in naval ships like the Iowa, Bismarck and the Yamato. As you surely noticed these ships never really got known because of their supposed ability to…
Yes, I would welcome this aswell. I always thought that it's a real shame that the only onscreen occasion to see Starfleet's ships of the early TNG fleet are the smoldering wrecks of Wolf 359. I always I hoped that we'd see more of these fine vessels in the HD remastering of The Next Generation but it appears that these…
This is quite an odd request because I always thought that the Exeter class is exactly there for the purpose of delivering something akin to the STXI Constitution. I mean the Exeter's asthetics feature quite alot of similarities to the STXI Connie, from the disproportional big Bussard collectors right down to the…
I approve of this thread under the condition that the Typhoon class battleship should be made playable aswell. I think both of these ships have a flair of their own given that they fill niche roles within Starfleet as "pure battleships" and as such sport a much more utalitarian appearance than most other Starfleet…
Yes I know that. By posting this promotional screenshot I just wanted to express my surprise at seeing a Galaxy class starship here among the "gallery of the Enterprises" given that Cryptic initially envisioned their Enterprise-D as a Celestial class spacecraft (as seen on this picture). So I expected them stick with it…
Mhhhhh, I stand critical towards that idea given that we never such a feat in the TV series or the movies. It actually reminds me more of Freelancer than everything else, where weapons where simply external space guns putted onto the spacecraft. This goes quite contrary to Star Trek where the various beam arrays or cannons…
Oops, I'm verry sorry ... It looks like the site does not allow direct linking to to any of it's pictures ... :mad: This link should work better I hope. edit: This is odd. The links work just fine for me while previewing and shortly after posting. If I however log out and then log in again I get the typical 403's and…
A beautiful line-up of some of Starfleet's more iconic vessels. Although I have to say that I'm quite surprised to actually see a Galaxy class here given that the folks over at Cryptic actually envisioned the Enterprise-D to look quite different from what used to see on the screen. As evidenced here: :D :D edit: Updated…