Yay, third try at remembering stuff. also, i managed to eliminate the components sheet, as well as the calulation sheet. if you respond with your email, i can give edit privs, so you can copy paste, put in comments in what i should do, whatever you want, so long as you dont ruin it. I will use revision history liberally,…
I took the main spreadsheet from 1.4, but i downloaded the 1.5 armor charts, simply because it is easier than having to download the whole new spreadsheet, and COMPLETELY change my current one. However, i am working on incorporating dbrr, but that prob wont be for a while. Once i get that in, would you let me give it to my…
Sorry, i cant pm u. here is the link. PLEASE don't get mad, like i said, it is for personal use. I merely copied it over to another document, so that I could have yours as a reference as to what I wanted to modify. Yes, I have used the armor pages from your sheet, simply because it was easier than making my own. i…
Hello Belgrave, I wanted to let you know of one of the things i noticed. You can have multiple ranks of certain abilities, as well as have all 3 profession specific abilities active. I will send you a pm with a link to a calc i created based on yours. You have my word, i merely am using this spreadsheet personally, and am…