Anyone who can argue with a straight face that my side of the debate holds gear as completely irrelevant is living in an alternate reality. We've said it a dozen times now, that gear is important. Hell, at one point I broke it down in detail, and came to the conclusion that gear accounts for perhaps a five-fold difference…
I'll try not to summarize the entire thread again here. One of the things that makes arguing with soph so thankless is that his selective quoting forces you to repeat yourself until you've bored everyone to death. Suffice to say that this debate didn't start with the premise that we were comparing the performance of…
The point has already been proven, thousands of times. But no, everyone should snap to attention to prove themselves to random disgruntled internet poster sophlogimo. The existing benchmarks aren't good enough! Let's instead do this completely unvetted tutorial mission that eliminates 2/3rds of the game's complexity! The…
Exactly. Soph wants to argue that there is no meaningful skill gap. That's his thesis. So then he concocts a scenario to justify that thesis, in which skill is assumed to be equal - i.e. assuming his own conclusion. Just to be clear, no one's disputed that all else being equal, the player with better gear will win. What…
I ran it twice. Here were my scores: 69k and Hard to see a pattern, I'm afraid. You've nailed it. soph's trying to stack the deck by minimizing complexity, which would be fine in other circumstances, but he intends to make a point about the performance disparity in end-game PvE. (A note to the moderator who said this…
If you were arguing in good faith, then you would acknowledge that I already agreed ISA has flaws. Multiple times. That's also beside the point, which you've consistently failed to grasp. This is why I've been reduced to mocking your out-context quotes - which you did again, hilariously, just now. Eagerly awaiting your…
[Quoting method borrowed from you] Then you have nothing to complain about, because according to you, all of those disgustingly high ISA scores you've been waving around come from a flawed benchmark, and thus they're null and void. Glad to know you agree never to cite ISA numbers in your future jeremiads against…
Disagreement would be one thing, but you haven't even acknowledged the point we've made. Even in this latest post you just gloss over the whole thing, pretending that the point of contention is the benchmark itself, and not the comparisons you've been drawing throughout the thread. You either fail to grasp the distinction…
Yes, but what is "using the given ships and powers effectively?" Is there a range of using them effectively? If so, then how would we describe that range, except in terms of skill? What you're essentially saying is that sophlogimo assumes his own conclusion - that skill doesn't matter, because he's already set the terms of…
> refuses to do even a three-minute ISA just to get a sensible comparison to all of the high-end DPS numbers he's whining about >insists that everyone else conduct an elaborate test of his choosing to prove water is wet What's funny about this is that it reveals how little you know. Sci/torp builds are notoriously cheap…
Emphasis mine. Well said. People don't like hearing that their excuses aren't valid. Of course by that I don't mean to say that all players who can't crack six figures need an excuse; there's nothing wrong with playing the game casually - but there is a certain segment of the game's population that simultaneously sucks at…
Which part should I reread? You demonstrated clearly that you had no idea how HSE plays. So after a recent post, in which you described finally running HSE, I said I'm glad. My whole post was obviously intended to be kind to you. But now you take one line out and make a vague accusation that I was, what? Patronizing? This…
Gruber's already said everything I could hope to say about HSE, and he's said it better, so thanks man. I do want to clarify on the following point, though: Let me be absolutely clear here: playing this game isn't about assigning fault. And if I've given you the impression that I'm trying to dismiss your opinion based on…
This is too large a question for this thread. The short answer is that crit stats are important to high end builds, but they're not everything. The most important part of any build is your bridge layout, making sure that your best skills (most notably weapon enhancements like Scatter Volley or Fire at Will) are up as often…
HSE is only done comfortably in really good teams, featuring extremely good players (top 1% good) - and even then there can be hiccups. (Phase 2 features random aggro mechanics, so you can potentially have a perfectly smooth run go pear shaped once the cubes are dead.) You're acting as if I ever argued that "comfortable"…
Ok, but how do you come to that conclusion? The reason I went on at such length to describe A) the level of performance needed to complete HSE comfortably, and B ) the baseline performance disparity between low and high end builds, is that you can't coherently debate the game balance issue without having a handle on those…
Of course. I never disputed that. The point is that the low end performs a lot worse than its budget constraints alone allow. And apart from a relative handful of the very best players in the game, no one's reaching the performance ceiling afforded by the very best builds. Skill and experience matter a lot. And by the way,…
The first thing you have to understand about DPS numbers is that they're only useful if you compare like to like. You can't compare e.g. Red Alert DPS numbers to ISA numbers, or for that matter ISA numbers in a "nanny run" (a team designed from the ground up to enhance one person's damage) to ISA numbers in a PUG. 30k in…
The pets are clearly bugged. How they're bugged may be up for debate, but after a certain point (like, the day after the bug was discovered, TBH), no one should care. The "appropriate response" is triage - to eliminate the obvious problem, then worry about any obscure interactions that may have larger-scale consequences.…
Again, you're giving this more thought than it deserves. If the hurq beacon were some sort of crucial system, or a whole class of abilities/items (say, if we were discussing phaser weapons en mass), then your counseling caution would be absolutely valid. We don't want to nerf "normal" players into the ground based on the…
Was the game desperately in need of the hurq beacon? Would the game suffer in any meaningful way if the beacon had simply been removed when this buggy behavior was first noted, back in July? No, the hurq beacon was and remains a novelty item, essentially fluff. That's the disconnect. You counsel a cautious, thorough…
You seem to be under the impression that this situation calls for nuance and fine tuning. We disagree. People have been making constructive arguments about this issue since the Swarmers were introduced. Not only were we ignored on that point, but Cryptic copy-pasted the same bugged pets for new traits introduced a couple…
Ah, the classic appeal to Cryptic's infallibility. "If I were wrong, Cryptic would have done something different!" That's kind of the point of this conversation, man. We're debating whether Cryptic - who sat on this Hurq swarmer issue for months, even as every major parser cut them from eligibility, and then to top it off,…
This is definitely the hottest take. The hurq novelty device should have damage that utterly trivializes the whole ship build for 98% of the playerbase ... because a different novelty device with ~95% less damage potential summons ships that might live a little longer. Now that's good thinking.
No worries, man. I probably took too much offense. We all have bad days. I'm not gonna get into a point-by-point response to your arguments here because I'm done with the topic, but I'm not new to the game. I'm a Reddit guy, and the reason it says I have no posts here is that all of my posts came before the forum moved to…
Maybe this will surprise you: I think this is a good video, much better than the last one. You don't make any specific claims, and at least thus far you haven't used this video as the basis for a broader argument. It's just fun mayhem, for Esses and giggles. And the video is well made, as was the last one. Of course it…
I'm not the one who quit the forum in a snit a few posts ago, claiming that the forum should come with a health warning. I'm also not the one who posted a video with highly inflated numbers and then argued with a straight face that: A.) the video proves that a certain type of build is overpowered, and B.) anyone who…
I understand where you're coming from. If the OP had just posted a fun video then I'd agree with you, but that's not all he did. Let me ask you this: when you're browsing around on Youtube, and you come across a video whose title claims to show you something you're interested in, how do you feel when the video turns out to…