Well, I think it goes without saying that the content has to be moderated! I'm not stupid enough to even suggest copyrighted material is fine to upload. I'm not talking about models downloaded from the internet. I'm talking about user created models, I'm not advocating the theft of intellectual property. The point im…
What STO needs is custom content. The foundry is good, but it would be even better if we could import our own models/animations/textures etc. This alone has the potential to fully flesh out exploration as no two mission contents could be the same.
So, played Khitomer Vortex Advanced today. Game crashed. Leaver penalty after verifying files. Thanks Cryptic! I should point out that my game has never crashed once, until this season launched. Now it happens fairly frequently. :rolleyes:
Ignore the troll. It isn't entitlement to expect an MMO game with 5 years experience to actually work. You're not alone, many people have been having issues.
Because there isn't one physical big server handling everyone's information and data is handled in different ways in regards to location too. Neither of these are client side. In addition to lag, i also had log in issues for a few days, but thankfully it didnt progress. There could be any one of a number of causes. Faulty…
It was explicitly stated that one of the issues was significantly expensive demands being put onto the server by traits/powers which has already been proven to be the case, I mean good lord man, either you have white knight syndrome or don't see the patently obvious. Cryptic admitted it. Community members have submitted…
Occams Razor: All things being equal, the simplest answer is usually the right one. Which problem is more likely.. A group of random players in a match all having the same exact issue on multiple different rigs and network connections OR All players connections and information routed and handled in one particular way by…
There are far too many people being affected by the lag for it simply to be "users ISP is TRIBBLE" sentiment. Its as simple as that. Couple this with the admission by Cryptic that there ARE issues with the servers affecting some people then it is AS CLEAR AS DAY. I have been affected since Delta Rising, like many many…
I really appreciate the updates, Trendy. There's nothing worse than having our frustrations vented to be greeted by silence. So, thank you for taking the time to answer.:D
Indeed, its not smart to ignore technical issues at all. Even if it is affecting a few, because they have this nasty habit of progressing into major user-wide problems.
Again, tried to play this three times. In all instances major lag. One time it froze so badly during combat the game crashed. This is serious Cryptic. Like... Not a minor bug that you can overlook, but completely game breaking. What the hell are you doing that's of such high importance that this still hasn't been fixed…
Again, its server side lag. The server is desperately trying to compute all the players applying buffs and nerfs on ships and basically it can't handle it. Its been getting progressively worse since Delta Rising, reaching an all time high now.
Stand corrected, ever since last night I've been constantly booted by the server every 2-3 minutes without fail. Irritated doesnt even begin to cover it. Seriously... What is wrong with the infrastructure for this game?
It may not have been literally spelled out as such (I'd have to check again myself), it certainly left me with this impression. Believe me, its been many years since I read it, so it was certainly clear enough to leave me with a lasting impression.
I'm not an expert or anything but I once read this in the TNG tech manual. The longer the array,the more emitters it houses. This has the affect of increasing the damage of the phaser beam once fired. The glow we see from either end of the array on the shows and in movies are the accumilation and rapid increase of energy…
Not sure what was done, but the last two days I've been able to play with practically no lag. This is the first time in weeks. Thankyou, whoever it was <3 :)
Pretty sure if this was run by any other company this issue would have been addressed within the first 48 hours - 3 days max. As it stands its been going on since at least the anniversary event. Exactly that. No rush, perfect world. With each passing day of complacency, inaction and indecisiveness the less inclined some of…
I'd just be happy to have a playable game.. you know... something crucially important as a developer. As it stands it takes 2-3 attempts to log in, and even then the amount of lag is truly horrific. Totally unplayable game. Judging by the multitude of other posts, I'm certainly not the only one.
I can log in after 2-3 attempts, but honestly it's no better. The amount of in-game lag is so bad I can't even play a 10 minute fleet alert without rubberbanding or having my galaxy class starship twerking like an epileptic on magic mushrooms at a rave. EDIT: Sunday April 26th. Just tried again to play one of the queues…