As I expected the connection problem was not my internet provider or my pc. In the game options I selected eu proxy and now it's ok. BTW the support service sent me a reply advising me to reboot the router or PC. I have no words...
You are right, i'm sure i make some mistake on my skills (this was my 1st pg): Your advices are welcome!
Oh, with dbb i got high critical, over 50-60k, but it's a peack damage not sustained as dhc. With this i ahve in act about 4k dps with charal. With dhc + torpedo 5.700 dps...
1 more thing. We get 10th console slot layout with the FREE ship (risa corvette) And not with the veteran reward, that must be a GREAT reward... No no, i'm not happy... i'm very angry.
I totaly agree! I don't use my chimera: i prefer andorian charal with 10 consoles. Veteran ships must get 10th console slots. Ability such as lotus? 5 min cooldown? Maybe in a stf you can use it 1 or 2 times. Add 10th console slot, atm i'm not happy with my reward as veteran, i don't play it...
No thanks, i will not buy 4 fleet ship module when i already have the tactical escort retrofit (token for lts must be = to c store version!). I think this is not correct after i bought lifetime for 199$. But, as usual, thanks a lot for all your answers guys.
Yes. For 1 fleet ship module ok. For 4 fleet ship module, after buying 199$ lifetime subscription NO. I already have the tactical escort retrofit... Let me say that this sucks.
Thanks for the answers, but i think that the chimera isn't a really veteran ship. C store ship are better. And about 10 consoles... we get it with the FREE risa corvette.
No pvp at the moment, only pve. I run on my charal 2x dhc fleet advanced phaser, 1x wing cannons, 1x dual beam bank fleet advanced phaser and omega torpedo in front, rear 1x cutting beam and 1x turret fleet advanced phaser. All borg parts. 4x tactical console phaser relays. I see that my damage with charal is superior to…
Hello, yes i run the costume project. I'm vice admiral lvl 50 tactical federation officer. I'm wearing the admiral uniform of lifetime subscribers. I will try again, thanks for your advise.
Ahhh great solution! The problem is that if I start a new character I would not begin again to accumulate points for the Task Force Omega or buy equipment.