I dislike them both. Seems like they ran out of good ideas and are grasping at straws trying to appeal to any niche crowd they can find. I am figuring at this rate, the next ship is going to be a garbage scow to dump radiation throughout the sector with a specialty to do extra radiation based on the current radiation…
Yea, the rubber banding is so bad at this point. Makes the game very unplayable. Dev stream a few days ago said they "fixed" it, which was funny seeing their stream even showing it. Don't know what's changed, but this is one of those high priority items. With my work, if I had a customer keep needing to resend material…
WTF, again!? Damn it... every time I finally feel like I enjoy the game, you listen to whiny users and revamp the game to their needs. FFS, stop changing the core of the game. Your core lifetime user ENJOY it he way we have it. Feels like another damn money grab. Here lets change the dynamics of the game, and get people to…