Nope, Cryptic has rights to anything and everything from CBS & Paramount Copyrighted works. That's it. Star Fleet Battles, Elite Force I & II, etc.. Are copyrighted by their repective creators and owners.. Aw H*ll, just read Cosmics response, he's pretty much spot on.
Agreed. Too many opposing forces and the players might get all focused on taking down the big shiny Tholian ship and forget about that rather glum looking Sphere sneaking past the defensive lines..
First off, when I say canon, I mean hard canon, which CBS defines as "seen or mentioned in the live action shows and films". Miranda Deck plans? Not from the Hard Canon, same for the Akira, the sleds for the workerbees? Again, not from the Hard Canon. The Scimitar carries Scorpions, which Data described as Attack Flyers…
Exactly why the number of ships vs the abilities of those ships remains at one constant level as the waves progress, more abilities in the more difficult ships, but drastically fewer of them. Which has been a huge hit! Imagine the Borg coming in at different Vectors per wave, making it a choice, split up the group per…
You misunderstand, as it is now, there's 5 players and something like 50-60 Borg vessels in the Red Alert to start, I'm thinking of something like: 15 players and 20-30 (improved) Probes in the first wave. 15 players and 4-5 (improved) Spheres in the second wave. 15 players and 2 (improved) Tactical Spheres in the third…
Well that's the thing, we're talking about changing the mechanics of the Red Alert, making the Borg themselves stronger, and making it more complicated by putting the Borg on the offensive (actively trying to get to the planet/facility the players are defending) and making them come in waves. As it stands, groups of Borg…
Well if they're remastering them, why not increase the number of players per instance, especially if we're reducing the total number of non player ships by improving the Borg themselves and having them come in waves?
It's always an estimate, starting at 0700 PST, estimate 2.5 hrs downtime. If it turns out to be 3 or 3.5, then I'd rather wait then have an unstable server that time outs all the time. Cool your jets, chill your reactor, shut down your thrusters and deplasma your nacelles, it'll come back when it's ready.
That is not at all what anybody's saying. We just want the Borg Alerts to be more complicated, instead of just pew-pew, have there be an attack/defend mechanic, with better, more canon-accurate Borg enemies attacking from multiple vectors requiring coordination and tactics from the players who respond to defend.
This is turning into a fairly productive thread, I hope a Dev or two are reading.. Considering the success of the lanes of Tides of ice, were you thinking the Borg would approach via different attack vectors to their target, and Captains who respond to the Alert would have to spread equally or choose lanes to defend? with…
Have you seen those things? The Fed/KDF Vet Ships are fugly as sh*t and their gimmicks are near-useless. Which is exactly what I do when I fly my Gal-X, but it upsets me that they saw that the Gal-X needed a boost (as many, many people called for) and then they give it a boost that non-Carrier pilots can't use. As it…
I'm in total agreement with the Red Alert remaster idea, but I'd like a full upgrade of Space Borg at the same time. The Borg are meant to be terrifying. As they are, they simply aren't, as is, they're just another space pew pew target. Here's what I envision (and I've been saying this for years, even before Red Alerts…
I'd rather keep my T5U ships as they are then have them polluted by a Hangar. Not everybody in this game likes Carriers and are willing to fly them. Heck, I'm still upset they ruined my Gal-X with a Hangar slot. I wouldn't mind a true T6 upgrade with an additional (non Intel) Boff seat and some upgraded stats, but you're…
IIRC, the problem is that the damage from XII to XIII to XIV was consistent, but XV was a huge jump, and this is going to even out the progression from XII to XV so XV isn't such a huge advantage over XIV. Yes, this is Katic, trying to put out a forum fire before it starts, try not to get too frightened or confused.
As the Odyssey and Bortasqu Unis have become the "official" STO 2410 canon Uniforms, I'd fully support the release of much better scaled, more polished 2410 Starship Interiors for both Feds and Klingons. Hear hear! So long as they're shoving Dilithium Taxes and monetization into every facet of the game, the least they…
This is an accurate summary of the games issues at this point. Things are too expensive, things take too long for how much they cost, and at the end of it all, you're too powerful for anybody playing catch up to compete with you.
True, and? I mean, anybody coming in to the game, whether it be an individual Dev or a new EP or a new Parent Company that buys Cryptic, is going to face the expectations of legions of Star Trek Fans and rabid MMO gamers, and get the same white knighting from those who currently white knight for those same folks now.…
I like your idea. May I throw my own twist on it? If the purpose is to rescue a ship, then a lot of people are going to play it like a single purpose mission, they're going to do the bare minimum necessary to narrow down which system the ship's in, and rescue her, leave, and turn it in for their Dilithium. No good, will be…
You know, I hate the way that some people believe that anybody who honestly has issues with this game would just up and leave without a word. That's not how most people are. If you're unhappy in your job, in your relationship, in your friendship, you don't just ditch. You try to make amends, you bring forward your…
I only came back to the game in October, and While I've got three toons at 50+, and six more in the wings sub-50, I haven't even gotten to any new material (other than the throwaway "Temporal Ambassador" Mission and the Nimbus III Arc) that weren't here when I left the game when the Atrox hit. In other words, all the…
I find myself a fan of the ships in game that weren't designed by Cryptic, with a few exceptions, and I'll explain why; In Star Trek, we see over three hundred years of ship design lineages. And at each stage, the ships seem to get larger, but smoother, more graceful, with curves and flowing, almost aerodynamic designs.…
I'd just be fine with them adding retro colors, the old blues and red ones from the first WE up through now. But then, I'm a big proponent of being able to collect cool stuff on all my alts, not just the ones I started a long time ago. Heck, while I'm here, let me throw out a request for a winter set, the weapons we have,…
I'll admit, as someone who's generally down on anything in STO that wasn't sourced or originated by live action Trek, I'm usually pretty negative about the cr*p Cryptic adds. I think their ship designs are fugly, their combat centric game focus ridiculous as long as they're determined to avoid fixing PvP or heating up the…
1. Do the PvE Invasion event, get a recipe. 2. Go to Neelix and get the mission to find the ingredients. 3. Find and/or replicate the ingredients. 4. Turn mission in to Neelix. 5. Use awarded Winter Food to breed Winter Gribble.