This makes sense, unfortunately. Wish it weren't so, though. I really, really like these torps. Well, does anybody have suggestions on possible replacements that run along a similar appearance? I'm running the Baltim, with the Herald cannons, and obviously the torps. Like I said, I love the torps appearance, but they lack…
O, don't misunderstand me. I get the prices in general, and in most cases, I'm okay with a ship going for 350 mil. But 750 seems. . . excessive. That's over 800 keys sold at current prices. Granted, even if you used 800 keys you might not get the ship, but still.
[/quote]That would undermine the importance of using the Borg set with the Borg effects and Iconian one with its effects. But you only need the shield for most sets to change the appearance of the ship.[/quote] Why would it be undermined, though? You would still retain whatever buffs your current set has, you would just…
Why does a relationship need to have a backstory? So two klingon chicks were an item, would it have made a difference if one was male? I doubt it. Why create a fuss over nothing?
O, I have faith in their writing skills, but it's a bit difficult to set so much up for one big baddie, then try and top it later on, especially when it took, what, six years to get to said big baddie?
Well, from reading the replies, it would appear I would be more of a hinderance than an asset to the stf teams out there. I have a sci toon, but I'm not interested in grinding her up, at least, not any time soon. Would an engie be a better fit in the Pathfinder?
Anything and everything. I know that covers a broad spectrum, but I just want to get a feel for what's possible and see what works for me. Just looking at suggestions will give me ideas on what feels right.
Update on this. I've been able to get in. My problem was my firewall, which for whatever reason decided to put a block on the game. Maybe that'll help you out some.
Why do you want to buy a fleet? Just make one yourself. Have four friends, or just recruit some folks to set one up with you, then boot them or something.
I actually haven't been to Risa since the event started. The ship doesn't interest me, and since I can't use the outfits outside the zone, it's just a waste of time in my book.
Y u do dis? Y? This has been talked about too death, up there with feds/cloaking, STBC playstyle, and a T5 Connie. Cryptic gave us the 'updated' Galaxy, and that's about all we'll get out of it. Leave it at that please.
It's happening to me, but only to my third skill bar, my first two remain untouched. Another problem I'm having of a similar nature are my doffs. They keep resetting in the same manner as the skill bars.
So you're mad that people are not playing the way you want them too? Get over it. If somebody wants to 'customize their pixelated green women all day without actually doing much,' who are you to say they can't?