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onikiri Arc User



  • Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms OpenWrt.lan [] 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 7 ms 9 ms 6 ms 4 10 ms 13 ms 26 ms rtr4-ge1-14.mhe.prnynj.cv.net [] 5 11 ms 12 ms 11 ms 6 12 ms 13 ms 29 ms…
  • It was a bit overpowered, now it's underpowerd. The Aux2Offense change is extreme. The now complete lack of Sci skill buffing is just stupid. The defense traits don't even look like they got a buff at all. Also the special traits from lock boxes aren't transferring over to Tribble at all if they aren't already selected.
  • The chance per cycle increased well beyond before. This is a really bad change. The original maximum per minute was about 12 regardless of if you had one or if you had 8. Now the chance balloons to around 100 depending on loadout. Yes the odds are really low to get 7 directly in a row. But it can happen. And you are most…
  • The Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser has a Commander Universal. The Battlecruiser Comm Array, Sensor Analysis and an Integrated Cloaking Device. I get the Gal-X not having a Commander Tactical, not sure why there isn't a Lt.Commander Tactical however. For what is supposed to be a Retrofit to bring the vessel into use for…
  • I think the Dominion Polarons would be a problem just from a cost perspective. They give the MKXI Rares away for free but the Romulan Plasmas and the Refracting Tetryons are like 28K Dil. This kind of buff would bring them close to Spiral Waves and I think Cryptic would have to move them into the Special Boxes and Items…
  • Not a bug, they are updating the Romulan faction to an actual faction. So feel things like everything being Plasma are being added. The Orbital Strike, Drones, and Turrets all fire Plasma Beam/Bolts now. Only problem is they broke most of the doffs doing it. The Very Rare Turret Doff doesn't spawn 2 extras. I've yet to see…
  • It isn't the training it's that it is just a pretty big inequity that the duty officer packs are two-faction still when for the RP among our ranks, or just the ones that are OCD about things that they can't just grab a Romulan only pack. BOFFs are the bigger issue however, it isn't like you have any really easy standard…
  • Think it's fine, don't love it and haven't seen we found out months ago, but it isn't a big deal. My current issue is there are no Elite Fleet Plasma for Romulans since they don't get their own Fleet or Reputation assets....
  • Indeed given it'd probably be 100,000 FC and 30,000 Dil for one they will have their sink. I assume we will see more options there in the next season. I just wish they had done a more intelligent job with seeding the Very Rare variants. Not having dilithium, crafting, doffing, or reputation available ones seems like a huge…
  • Yeah the BOff thing has gotten pretty annoying. Also can't resolve my Subcommander Promotion and thus can't move up to Commander. There are a few uniform bugs I've seen. Like the Talshir chest has no texture in the costume editor. There also aren't enough options IMO. Actually that is my biggest take away from what I've…
  • I am excited to see an influx of different vessels and content. But I doubt I will partake unless certain things are done to alleviate the transition to another faction. Namely I don't want to deal with the Reputation grind. Find a good serious Fleet, while I wouldn't be happy about doing all that stuff again, could likely…
  • Same thing just happened to me on both the rare and very rare tiers. These were going to be my first store unlocks. It just resolved and didn't offer anything to accept. Kinda sucks cause that was a lot of marks and commodities to throw into oblivion
  • I am having this issue as well. Wouldn't care if it was something simple but I lost Keys I was stocking up. You guys need to hire some people to test things before they go live. You already added the extra account slots on purpose or not so why was that even touched?