(Links to outside game sites removed. - BMR) (Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR) league of legends also does the 4th of july, with it's millions of players. "They DID also say that. STO doesn't do a 4th of July celebration because Earth is united by STO's time, and they have a lot of players who aren't American They…
I get they don't want to to the 4th, but the escuse they used is stupid. A lot of games that have people playing all over the globe do 4th, along with other events. They could of said due to lore, and it would of been understandable. But in this day and age, saying because of players that are not Americans? Tell that to…
Balloons TD 6 does 4th of july, War thunder, a russian game, does 4th of july. I can understanding not doing it for lure reasions, but to say it's the player base is a stupid reason. WORLD OF WAR SHIPS (An other russian game) does 4th of july!
You do realise that 90% of the reddit users were upset with this, due to how it was done, correct? I was one of the users that was upset, so the mods banned me. Just read the comments, and you can see 90% of them is how annoyed they are with how there was NO communcation.
So you think the mods calling there self dictators are making them look good? Edit: Also look at the tone they are talking, they littlery are saying "If you don't like it, deal with it or be banned"
Beleve me, the mods here are much better then the reddit ones https://old.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/pexh7c/why_rsto_was_private_on_aug_30_or_how_dare_you/
The full leangth of the ablity, and i dod not go for shield rejust, just shield cap and regen. If i remember right, I got to 45K shields and 10K regen, the borg got close with my shields getting red, then they regen back
The load out system works fine for me.. I even use it on my main ship. Load out one - turns my ship into a massive immobile defense base Load out two - turns my ship into a slow moving boss ship, with lots of forward facing power!
"depends on what I'm going into. Are you expecting to clear a Battle of Korfez with only 9k? If so you have no business in that TFO. If it's a generic normal mode TFO or certain advanced mode TFOs, not going to bother me." I mainly play random TFO, advanced. "As for only pulling 9k, do you have a goal of doing better and…
So, the very first time you played STO, you never died? Day one, before digging into all the formulats and DPS tables, etc, before all that, you never died? And, all systems can be abused, the random PVE can be abused due to 90% of the PVE's you can just park, AFK, deal damage, and go onto the next. The biggest abused…
it could create some epic memorys for new players as well. A new player, in there T1 maranda, sends out a call for help... Then, out of no where there call is awnsered, and the Defient class warps in, and guns everything down in seconds! Or even more so, the Universe class warps in, towering over everything, as it blast…
Honestly, STO has been losing me in the past years, due to just the same thing over and over... But a system like this, I would love to hope on and help players beat a missions, wave goodbye, and help the next!
PVP, is also a dead because when players (like me) fully test, and say, "hey, this works!" everyone shoots them down saying " I REFUSE to change my build to that play style!"
And to add to this - it still is the same today. Put the same tank gear on a cruiser and escort, and the cruiser will be much more tanky, where if you put the DPS on a cruiser and escort, the escort will do much much more DPS. my PVP idea makes PVP more fair, and the bar to entery much lower, allowing even a new player to…
I am qouting from the bookliet that came with the Star trek online CD, which the booklet says cruiser are tanks, escorts are DPS, and science are healers / team buffers. Edit: Also, the problem with PVP is the power creep, this removes that and also puts it into your boff ablity, timing, and caption skill, insted of…
My idea for PVP the community can do right now - get a fresh ship, stock gear only, rank 4 consoles, if the ship comes with more then one universla, pick one and trash the other. Now, fight. With this, ships return to the roles they used to play before the power creep Cruisers - tanks Escorts - DPS Science ships - Healers…