Not going to follow in on the hate train with how this ship is obtained. I would like to offer up an idea instead to Cryptic of a sales model that could appease the player base while also keeping with the larger micro transaction sales the game is aiming for. You design the Chance system ship you want the player base to go…
These packs make my head hurt, its the Big Disco pack all over again. For those of us that have been playing for a good chunk of time, the odds are we have many if not most of the ships offered or going to be offered aside from lock box ships that might be in this pack. Cryptic/Perfect World really does need to add in a…
I wish the dev's would engage with us a little on here, and not just leave things to build in one direction or another. Like of you already have the lobi outfit and the Miradorn do those become retroactively account unlocks now? Cause honestly, least from my point of view putting them in the c-store like this kills or…
Not bad stats, hopefully this means that the Dyson ships will get some new love with an Experimental weapon slot. (Please make it a proton damage one) The Section 31 ship is pretty nice, hopefully luck will be on my side in getting one.
Okay so this begs a good question now, Will the dyson ships be given an exsperimental weapon slot since this new promotion ship does the same thing as them? Cause a Proton based exsperimental weapon added to those would be amazing.
Making the bridge officers account unlocks brings it more in line with prior packs. The discount for already having the starter pack I figured would have been a given. So then comes the still glairing problem, for those that don't have the starter pack it is still a base price of 12k zen 1k more zen gets you the Vanguard…
The fed ships are beautiful, the stats not bad (though I wish i could trade out one forward weapon on the battlecruiser for an exsperimental weapon slot) I just personally don't like how the disco era kdf ships look, the art team did a great job on them, though I would hope to have the option of swapping looks out for some…
Why the change from account wide unlocks to once per account. That is a large change from most if not all of the prior packs like this. Least with the tardigrade and the bridge officers.
Well this looks interresting, though to be honest I was hoping for a new direction for the ground weapon this year. Something to play off Winters chill more. Like an Ice shard whip, to deal cold damage in melee. I just feel the same nano-pulse style weapons have gotten pretty stale; speacialy with you not able to upgrade…
Happy to see the Arena back, though one question. All of the arena rewards are claimable on new toons except the Sompek Pulsewave, can or will this become available in the future for new toons on accounts that had already completed it beforehand; as the other rewards are?
Question for the dev's, while you are fixing sompek can you unlock the sompek pulsewave riffle for new toons on accounts that have already earned the rifle. All the other items from the prior Sompeks can be reclaimed on any toon including new ones but the pulsewave.
Will the Sompek pulsewave riffle become availble to new toons anytime soon? I earned it when it first came out but any new toons I make can't claim it but they can get all the other items acquired from the areana.
One to pop in there hopefully for the next patch. Acquiring ether of the new Hur'q ships isn't unlocking the Hur'q fighters to be purchased at the starbase.
While I love more ship type diversity, gimicks and everything in between. I am a Romulan Main and this is a little cutting that the Republic was left out on this. I know we are not considered a full Faction but damn this does hurt a bit. If the new ship implimentation is going to keep going like this than maybe its time to…
I would like to see gear (character locked) that could possibly be rewarded from the diffrent taskforces. Vanity Items, weapons and ship gear. Like a good Exsample: a very rare chance on Borg space opperation to get a Borg Plasma Tractor Beam array. A weapon with an automatic speed debuf per pulse while applying a slightly…
As happy as I am to see the New Orleans class finally coming to game along with an updated class for her. I feel me and the rest of the Romulan Republic are left a little out in the cold on this one.... unless there is a special rom ship you guys are keeping in the wings. I know we can use our factions t6ships now but its…
There had been some t5 ships that i love like the Dyson ships, so durring the last ship sale i picked them up with the andorian t5 (game funds for most the year) and never really thought about the upgrade tokens till i saw the blog post for this sale.
This was hard, im still feeling off today after that mission. I grew up with my great-grandmother who went threw WW2, and we are a large Jewish family. So the emotions the conflict everything was very hard and home hitting for me.
The buggy tray didn't bother me much or slow me down while playing the mission. Though I must say that this is the first time I have played a mission in STO and then had to step away; turn the game off because of how unsettled it left me feeling. I am not sure that is a good thing or a bad thing. But Cryptic has made a…
I still think the final giveaway should have been the Defiant bridge set to go along with the Bajor theme and the ship for the aniversery. It would have made a lot more sense then ending it with two tech upgrades.
I love this one, all three were ships I wanted; I hope on the last day of the giveaways they offer up the Defiant bridge pack. It would make a perfect DS9 themed aniversery ending.