Technically, I am on a LoA/hiatus, but when I saw the post on my facebook feed I couldn't resist typing something up, I hope you guys enjoy it. :cool:
As the turbolift slows to a stop and the door opens a look of astonishment washes over my face. "Subcommander Locutus, what did you do to my bridge?!" "It wasn't me, it was him." says Locutus before raising a hand to point at my chair. Before I can ask who my chair rotates around revealing Q. "Great... Put my bridge back…
I actually play several PWE games, but that isn't the point, lol. *holds out $300* I was planning on getting an LTS, but I think I'll give it to a game that doesn't force bloatware on me. *hands money to other mmo* ^ That is exactly what needs to happen, if everyone stops subbing and stops buying zen, PWE will realize the…
Would it be too much to ask for an actually FREE ship on a day that isn't special or STO's anniversary? These events are impossible to complete for the people that cant log in every day for weeks. If its three weeks long make the ship require 3 runs and give more people a chance to get in on the fun.
Dark raises a good point, as far as I know a level 5 can not command a Rear Admiral (or Vice Admiral) vessel. If its a steamrunner or kumari it is likely to be the Light versions.
If you only play one PWE game then you dont need it. If you play tons of PWE games, Arc makes it easier to switch games. Rather than complaining that Arc will cause you to get TRIBBLE change your passwords, or dont use it!!! Rather than wasting time complaining about a feature that is here to stay, avoid this thread if you…
Also, what is the point of opening Arc to launch the launcher? Seems overly complicated. The coloring is nice, but when I hit play, unless there is a new patch, it should launch the game directly or what's the point.
I'll give it a try, I personally dont like Steam and Raptr, its paranoia, I don't really like programs keeping track of my games. an in program browser... phishing much?
That's cryptic for you, lol! When will we be getting a Rixty Code promotion? That is about how 90% of my zen is purchased and it would be nice to get a bonus on it sometime.
"This will prevent the issue for new characters, and automagically resolve the error for existing players." Please... god... don't start with magic.... we have enough issues without someone throwing magic 'powder' at the servers...
I would like to add a side note, if you are in game and not doing anything please log out, even 1 person leaving the game could speed the queue up for us 25,000 waiting to get in game.
The exchange is a side effect, and possibly not a pleasant one, the primary focus is on reducing clutter in inventory and banks. As it stands, when you open a lockbox you have the chance to get a Mirror ship, but that ship could be for any of the 3 factions, if they are condensed into a box with a random ship determined by…