why (h)wī/Submit adverb 1. for what reason or purpose. "why did he do it?" synonyms: how come, for what reason, for what purpose, what for, to what end; archaicwherefore "I know you're quitting school, but why?" adverb 1. (with reference to a reason) on account of which; for which. "the reason why flu shots need repeating…
they thought the future of entertainment would be some grand elegant holo-opera... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLfGh2b_me0 but no, it turned out to be a holo-anime girl concert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_4BgiNxVkI EDIT: ...ok, star trek was closer to their guess
you know i began to watch the original star trek on netflix, and found a regular character on there i never knew about, kelso...but chekov isnt in the show yet.